Part 49

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In Rimi's dream, everything started to shake. Slowly, she woke up , stretching her eyes and found her mother's flushed face hovering above her.

"Come on... Get up darling", urged her mother.

"Hmmm??", Rimi stretched her eyes more and looked up at the clock. "It's only seven o clock, Mummy ."

"I know.. But, we are going out, it's a surprise", Sanyukta smiled with a twinkle in her eyes.
"Here- you can wear this now", she said ,pulling  out a jogging suit from the cupboard.

"Go and use the washroom. You only have to wash your face quickly.",she paused and chipped, "OH!!! And ,I suppose you will have to brush your teeth too".

"I know that ,Mummy...I brush my teeth every day."

"Good...Now get ready fast. We are getting late for your surprise . Do you have a dance class today??"

"No Mummy, don't you remember ?? It's half-yearly vacation from today onwards and there are no dance classes during holidays."

"Just checking. Now ,come on get up and use the washroom .Then, I'll help you brush your teeth."


As they hurried downstairs and opened the front door, they noticed ,it was too foggy outside.

"Mummy, Look!! The clouds have come down again.",the little girl chipped innocently

"Clouds???", Sanyukta chuckled at her daughter's innocence . "It's not clouds, sweetheart . It's fog.... And you better wear the hood of your jacket ,like me as its too cold outside".

She took the keys of the Alto , that belonged to her father, which she had brought along with her weeks ago on her way back home from Noida , but didn't had time to return.

"Mummy..Are we going to Noida to return Naanu's car??"

"You'll find out soon ,honey. As I said, it's a surprise...."


Randhir, pulled back the curtains in the hall and stared out grimly. It was too foggy and there was hardly anything visible outside. The temperature too had dropped down suddenly. He yawned and stretched.

He strode his way towards the Tv and switched it on. After flicking through some channels , he finally got the news channel.

"Coming up, after the break...
Delhi witnesses a Chilly Morning and Dense Fog with visibility less than 50 meters"

Randhir groaned listening to the news reporter.
'Damn.. There won't be any cricket lessons today. I thought of winding it up today for this batch of students before I join M & S , as the Managing Director from next week. I guess I'll have to spare another Saturday for it.'

"Welcome back after the break...

The residents of Delhi today woke up to dense fog with minimum temperature settling at 10 degrees Celsius, five notches below the average.
The Dense fog blanketed many areas in and around Delhi this morning with chilly wind and poor visibility , affecting over 100 flights and hitting road traffic in rush hour.
Weather report  says  that both at the Safdarjung and Palam observatories, visibility was recorded less than 50 meters at 7 am this morning.

'Well.. If I'm not going to to the sports club, at least I will not have to get dress up. And I will not have to bother to shave or take a bath, this early.'

He switched off the TV and went upstairs towards his room. He pulled out a black sweatshirt and an old pair of ripped jeans. Then, he went to the kitchen to get something to eat and realised he had run out of milk. He doubted that the milkman would risk coming all the way in this foggy weather.It was too early in the morning, probably the shops would be closed as well..

As he was deciding, whether to have corn flakes or oats without milk, he heard Poggy barking. There was an urgent tapping on the front door.
He frowned. He wasn't in the mood of entertaining visitors . It was only half past eight.'Who can it be??? Is it the milkman??', he wondered.
He went into the hall. Poggy was going mad.

As Randhir pulled the front door open, a strong chilly wind swept inside, followed by two hoody creatures bundled like Eskimos .The smaller of the two creatures threw back her hood and started jumping with delight. The larger- although still shorter when compared to Randhir took a longer time in exposing herself. She removed her scarf and pulled back her own hood. Her dark hair gleamed like a stream of silk, her hazel eyes stared up at him. His stomach performed cartwheels.

"I couldn't wait...", she sniffed scrambling for a tissue in her pocket and wiping her nose.
"I really needed to see you......"

Hey guys..
Here's the next chapter of this book. Hope you like it. Please vote and ignore my mistakes.

Happy Reading..

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