Part 26

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Five days later at Shekhawat Mansion:

"So..", Randhir said offering her a cup of coffee."What was it that you wanted to talk about?"

"I won't have coffee, thanks ",she said.
"Water will be fine. In fact, on a second thought, don't bother. I don't want anything."

Randhir took a few steps towards the glass table in the centre of the hall and bent down a little to put the cups on it. Sanyukta could see the flexed muscles of his back stretching the fabric of his shirt,which raised up revealing a patch of his flesh above the waistband of his jeans.
She could feel her breath getting hitched at the sight. It would be so easy to reach out to him now as Rimi wasn't around to interrupt them. But ...she can't afford to lose control on herself at this moment, considering what she has come here to talk about. She quickly moved her gaze and looked at the furniture around.

Randhir bounced back beside her on the couch ,looked at her over his shoulder and chipped ,
"Are you Okay???"...

She nodded a No to him.

"What is it Sanyukta??", he asked in a concerned tone.

"Do you remember , once I told you about Rimi's father...", Sanyukta chipped, knowing her courage would desert her , if she doesn't get over with it quickly.

"Yeah...Rehan - something "

"Bajaj , Rehan Bajaj", she corrected.

Randhir straightened himself on the couch beside her, attempting to hold her hand. But she didn't let him as she knew his touch wouldn't let her say what she intended to.
"He's back. He turned up this Saturday all of a sudden, unannounced-out of the blue. "

"Bloody Hell, why didn't you tell me before? You didn't mention it even when we went out for dinner that day."

"I'm sorry. I needed time to think about it."

"And what exactly does he want???"

"To get to know Rimi.He was in Dubai since last few years . He's done quite well. Now he's back in India for good, starting up his own business ", she paused for a while and chipped,
"I--I think he's ready for fatherhood now".

"What about Rimi? Is she ready for him?"

Sanyukta stared down at her nails,
"I haven't told her yet. We are supposed to be seeing him this weekend. He wants to take us for lunch."

"Oh - I see", he raked a hand through his hair. " And is Rimi the only one he wants to get close to ???"

She flared her nostrils, " What do you mean?"

"Oh come on. It's all a bit cosy , isn't it?? Am I supposed to just stand back and let him worm his way into your life again??"

"Worm ????He's not worming into anything. Why are you acting so possessively??"

"Why??? Huh ....WHY????", his face froze for a moment and then he uttered, " What is it that your trying to tell me Sanyukta???"

"It's just..........", she knew what she had to say but her words formed a lump and got stuck in her throat. The words stubbornly refused to leave her mouth.

"You think we should end this?????", Randhir prompted. "Clear the way for Rehan to reclaim his rightful position?"
He paused for a second.
"Sorry....", he raised his hands in apology ." I was forgetting, how much more successful and rich Rehan is now." He continued.
"Of course-- It has to be success and money . It took away everything from me. First my family and now you--"

Sanyukta felt disgusted. " My heart bleeds by the fact that you think so low about me. What is wrong with you???
You know it very well I never had feelings for him and it won't change now as well", she sighed deeply .
"It's just that....I've got to put Rimi first" , she continued. "And right now it would only confuse matters if we kept on seeing each other. She needs time to adjust with his dad coming back .
It's hard to explain but right now I've got to concentrate on Rimi. I cant afford to stress out about us thinking where this is going??"

Randhir was silent for a while." Where do think this is going?"

"I don't know", there were tears flooded in her eyes.

"If you like", he continued "we can cool things for a while between us.Let Rimi come to terms with what is going on" , he chipped seriously.

"But that  wouldn't be fair on you. I just can't keep you hanging and waiting like that."

"What if I want to be kept hanging on?", his hands crept over hers on her lap. What if I don't mind sitting around waiting and hoping???........", his other hand was inching under her chin, pulling her face  upwards , his hot breath hitting her mouth. She didn't realise when he came this close to her on the couch.
Suddenly she felt her body straining towards his ,as if there were magnets in their lips and arms, irresistibly pulling them together. They kissed each other passionately and endlessly, fighting for dominance, neither of them wanted to leave the other. They finally pulled out to catch their breath. He pulled down her sleeve and trailed his wet lips kissing her from her neck to her collarbone. He held her skin at the base of her neck in between his teeth and sucked it passionately giving her a love bite.  Her hands  reached the buttons of his shirt and started popping them out of their holes. As she came in contact with the skin of his clean shaven chest , his body stiffened, as if in shock. Instinctively, her gaze followed his own......
"Oh shitttt", she pulled up her sleeve back on her shoulder. Randhir jumped on his feet ,his shirt flung open and his face like thunder, looking towards the door. "What the ........??".



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