Part 31

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Sanyukta sighed and threw back her head , blinking at the tiny lights in the ceiling of the lift which were scattered like stars in the sky. She didn't know how she would react when she would see Aaryan the next time.  She cannot afford to resign from her job as well.
Thankfully,  he would be off on leave for the next 10 days. It would be sensible for both of them to try and forget what had happened, but it was easier said than done.
As the doors of the lift hummed open again, she jerked the strap of her bag into its usual position over her shoulders and exited through the revolving main door into the street. She felt sick and alone. She wanted to scream and cry. Her only consolation would be arriving home to find that Rimi was still up.


Rimi kept playing with the food and   her spoon , even though it was Rajma Chawal, one of her favourites. She hadn't felt hungry and she had excused herself as soon as she could.
"I'm going to bed", said Rimi standing in the kitchen doorway looking at Ishika and her dad. They were sitting at the table where they had remained even after tea was over.

Ishika and her dad had lots to talk about, even though it was silly things like- whether her dad preferred casual wear or formal wear, polo neck or collared neck OR whether Ishika preferred Roses or Orchids, red Roses or white ones . Stuff like that... She even noticed once her dad had reached out his hand  across the table and squeezed Ishika's hand, but she pulled out and blushed.

When her dad had first got there, he tried to talk to her asking about school and her friends,but he hadn't seemed really interested in her answers..
Rimi had gone to the living room to watch the end of the Disney movie, which Ishika had rented for her as a surprise. She didn't mind watching it alone. In fact, she had preferred it. The movie was funny, but Rimi didn't feel like laughing. She was missing her mom.

On the way to her room while climbing the stairs, she heard Ishika giggling in the kitchen

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On the way to her room while climbing the stairs, she heard Ishika giggling in the kitchen. 'May be daddy told her one of his stupid jokes', Rimi scowled.
His jokes weren't funny , not like Randhir uncle's......

She went into the bathroom to brush her teeth and swallowed the toothpaste lump into her throat. Ishika seemed to have forgotten to come upstairs to change her clothes. She took out her daytime clothes and wriggled into her nighty. She went to the bed and tucked herself in the blanket. Her eyelids stared growing heavy  and the last thing she was aware of before drifting off to sleep was the sound of a key turning in the front door.

That same evening :

As soon as Randhir entered his house after a meeting with his client. He saw
Vidhushi sitting in the hall ,wearing the same golden dress that had caught his attention, when he had met her the first time at a friends birthday party. It was slightly stretchy and it clung to her body provocatively leaving very little to the imagination . She closed the door behind him and instantly snaked her arms around his waist and whispered in his ear seductively,
"There's a surprise waiting for you in the bedroom. I'm sure you'll love it."
He pushed her and extracted himself promptly from her embrace.

"I don't like surprises "

"Get ready...We haven't  got much time before everyone gets here", she chipped.

We haven't  got much time before everyone gets here", she chipped

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"Everyone????", he frowned

"Oops... I forgot to tell you. Karan had called me this morning .He's here in Delhi for a day and wanted to meet you as well . I invited him to have dinner with us."

He took steps towards the stairs that led to the bedroom , when he heard her again."Wear the shirt I've placed for you on your bed before you come down. "

"Fine...", he rolled his eyes and slammed the door. How can she call anybody to his house without his permission. It was just two days ago when they agreed to give another fresh and slow start to their relationship.

He came down after a good half n hour wearing the silk shirt which she asked him to wear even though it wasn't his style.He heard her calling from the kitchen, "Darling, be a good host and see to their drinks, won't you?"

What was he doing?? Why was he doing this??? If his intentions were to get Sanyukta Aggarwal out of his mind and memory , why hadn't he slept with Vidz at the earliest opportunity. Why was he hoping that he would soon get a call from her saying  "Ron ...I'm sorry. I  miss you . I want you back. Rehan is a jerk. Rimi loves you the most.... Blah Blah Blah".... Who was he kidding?


"Hey how are you doing ?? I'm Karan Kapoor , Vidhushi's  best friend " , he forwarded his hand towards Randhir.

"Hello, I'm Randhir Singh Shekhawat", Randhir stuck out his hand and allowed it  to be pumped in a zealous handshake. The details filtered slowly into his brain. The man who had just arrived was of medium height and was about twenty-five . He had short spiky hair and a trim goatee and his eyes--his most striking feature, elevating him to handsomeness.

"Randhir Singh Shekhawat.... If am not wrong , your are the only son of Harshvardhan Singh  Shekhawat , the famous business tycoon."

"No... You are getting it wrong. I'm not the one  you are talking about"

"Come on Yaar, I'm Vidz best friend. She doesn't hide anything from me. Besides you do look a lot like him"

"Karru ", she scolded him popping her head out of kitchen door. "Don't give Ron a hard time. Save a few questions for later on."

"Sure enough ", Karan slapped Randhir  on the back. "You're a lucky man." He lowered his voice," Vidz is a Babe."

"Don't I know it", Randhir replied blandly, then remembering he was a host he said, " I'm sorry, I forgot to ask , would  you like a drink???"

A few minutes later , Randhir found himself at the dining table having dinner with Vidhushi's friends, whom he had never met before. Apart from Karan , she also invited Raima and two other male friends for dinner , whose names he had forgotten to ask. Amazingly , Vidz excelled  in the kitchen, the food was delicious and everybody loved it.

"For dessert, there's chocolate pie with strawberry mousse ", she announced rising to her feet.
Karan leaned across and patted her bottom." Ah, you  surely know the way to a man's heart". Randhir waited for the outraged slap, but Vidz just giggled and swayed towards the kitchen.


Hey Everybody
Here is the next part. Please vote and leave a feedback guys. The number of views I'm getting is much more than the number of votes. This story has got more than 3k views and not even 1k votes. So please it's a request to all my silent readers.

Pre Cap: Randhir breaks up with Vidz and asks her to leave his house.

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