Part 44

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"You---You can't be pregnant ...",he almost shouted in disbelief .

"I don't want to broadcast it to Rimi or Ishika . So--"

"pregnant ??", he repeated again.

"About five weeks... It's too early..Medically its counted from the day of last menstrual cycle and not from the day when ------ you know ."

"I see", Randhir rubbed a hand over his face.

Sanyukta had feared this moment. She was scared of his reaction. His expressions were dark and it was impossible to know what he was thinking.

Naturally, he was stunned as Sanyukta had been. But she had time for it to sink in . Time to accept that if the pregnancy progressed normally, she would have another child to bring up at the end of it, another mouth to feed and another person to be responsible for.

"And I want you to know that - I'm planning to keep it. I'm sorry if you prefer me to get rid of it...", she announced coldly.

"Prefer???", his expression darkened even more.

"If you are worried that I'll be chasing you up for maintenance, you don't need to. I can manage adequately on my own. "

Randhir couldn't believe what he was hearing. How can she say that to him.
"Huh... So you are planning to bring up the baby on your own.... What about my access rights??"

"If you want to be involved, I'm sure we can think of some arrangements"

Randhir just couldn't take this anymore . He stood up from his seat with blood shot eyes ,
"Bloody Hell , Sanyukta ------", he was interrupted as the door of the living room swung open and Rimi entered.

"OH!!!!", said the little girl with excitement .Her face lightened up .
"I thought it was my dad", she ran to him and flung her arms around his legs." I haven't seen you for ages and ages..."

Sanyukta looked away. There was something heart-wrenching about the scene.

"How's Poggy ??", Rimi asked excitedly . "And TUFAAN ???"

"They are Ok", said Randhir gruffly.

Just then, there was a knock on the front door which Sanyukta had been dreading.
Rehan breezed in , coming to an abrupt halt at the sight of his daughter clinging to another man affectionately.

Sanyukta saw Randhir making a calculated move by gently extracting himself out of those little arms.
Rehan had seemed to put two and two together . He casually stepped inside and stuck out his hand towards Randhir .

"You must be Randhir??", he said smoothly.

"Err---Yes.", Randhir chipped ignoring his gesture.

"I'm Rehan Bajaj..."

"I gathered ", Randhir said grabbing his keys which were lying on the table in front of him."If you'll excuse me......"

"I assume that's your Bentley parked on the other side of the road. I prefer the 1982 model myself",Rehan smirked.

The atmosphere was growing increasingly tense by the second.

Randhir gestured through the open door." And I take it , that's your Mercedes. Very nice. But I think the 1986 model has more bite."

Sanyukta wanted to shout, stamp her foot , punch the wall anything to release the misery and frustration building up inside her.

She watched Randhir as he walked out of the living room through the hall towards the front door.
'He's probably blaming me for the pregnancy and panicking that his live is over', she wondered.

He stopped at the threshold and looked back at her.
"Take care of yourself, Sanyukta "
She nodded and watched him stride away.


Slumped at her desk in her office, Sanyukta fished out a Monaco biscuit pack from her bag. She experienced her first twinge of nausea this morning, but most of it had been due to not eating her breakfast.
She sighed deeply .This baby might only serve to remind her that , once upon a time - although not in a typical fairytale  fashion- she had fallen in love with a tall and handsome prince who chose to live like a pauper.Then a thought struck her-- what if the baby is a boy , who looks exactly like his dad??
She was about to sink her head in her hands,when she heard her mobile beep with a message from Aaryan.
"Heard from Laura yesterday . She wants to talk. Maybe things are looking up.  But not just for me ..I hope!?! "

She groaned and closed her eyes.
'Only if he knew.....', she thought.
'Let alone this, I haven't heard from the baby's father ever since I broke the news to him. He is clearly one of those men, who couldn't cope up with the news of parenthood. I'm not going to pressurise him, anyways.'

As she heard Ragini coughing pointedly, she opened her eyes expecting to find Aaryan there. Instead she sat bolt upright in astonishment at the sight of Randhir , standing in a navy blue suit, light shirt and a contrasting red tie. He was carrying a large bouquet of exotic flowers in one hand while in the other hand he carried a Mc Donald's Happy Meal box.

"Hello", he said wearing the look she loved the best. A rugged man and a petrified boy rolled in one.
He looked dashing and breathtakingly handsome. She glanced at Ragini, whose tongue was hanging out checking him out.

"Please", he murmured . "I need to talk to you in private".

Sanyukta couldn't trust her knees which felt like jelly. She stood up automatically and managed to remain upright. Randhir jiggled the box and the bouquet in one hand ,freeing the other . He took her hand in his and held it firmly .

Hey my lovely readers.
Here is the next chapter of the story. What's going to happen next. Any guesses ???
please vote and send me your feedback.

Happy Reading..

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