Part 42

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"Are you alright??", Ishika asked the moment Sanyukta stepped inside through the front door of her house.

"Yeah.... Where's Rimi??".

"She's still in bed....How's your Dad?"


"Last night...when you called up and said you would be coming late in the night,I waited for you but I fell asleep... By the time I woke up ,it was already 6 in the morning. I went and checked in your room but you weren't there. I was really worried...
I called you up on your mobile and to my surprise , it was answered by Randhir. He said that you went there last night and slept on his couch.."

"Yeah , I wasn't feeling well and I thought I won't be able to drive further till my house.."

Ishika looked confused, "I thought you and Randhir weren't ....."

"We are not ", Sanyukta replied far too quickly making Ishika suspicious .
"I slept on his couch. If that's what you want to know. I was --"

"You could have called and informed ", Ishika frowned.

"I know I could have... But, your not my mother and I'm not answerable to you of all the people", Sanyukta spat back rudely.
She started going upstairs towards her room, when she heard Ishika again.

"Sanyukta listen...", Ishika practically jumped into her path.
"For a while, forget that I'm your employee, for a while think of me as your friend.."

"Is something bothering you??", Sanyukta frowned folding her hands. She just wanted to run upstairs and wash away all traces of Randhir. His scent was still clinging on to her. It was tantalising .

"It's just that, if I were your friend, you would confide in me", Ishika uttered after a deep sigh.

"I don't understand what you mean..."

"Do you know Rimi misses Randhir??", Ishika informed.

"Does she??Has she said anything to you ??"

Ishika nodded. "She has mentioned it"

"But she hasn't spoken about him to me in ages ".

"That's because she feels, you get upset whenever she mentions him in front of you "

"Has she said anything else??"

"No... It's just that...... When I've been with her and Rehan,she doesn't seem to be having a good time."Ishika stated hesitatingly, staring down at the floor and chewing her lip. Her complexion had turned pink all of a sudden.

"What about Rehan??"

"What about him??", Ishika asked back defiantly.

"Does he have a good time??"

"He does try and make an effort. But.....
Some people can't tune into children's wavelength....It would have been so much different , if he would have been involved with Rimi since her birth... It would have made the bonding easier.

"I'm sure with time.......", Sanyukta's shrug belied her anxieties .
"It was Rehan who wanted to see her. I've got to give him a chance. You can't rush these things", she was edging near the stairs impatient to escape.

"Randhir can tune in... He does it without thinking", she heard Ishika's voice behind her back.
At the mention of his name, Sanyukta's heart seemed to knock painfully against her rib cage.

"Randhir's a natural", Ishika continued. "He knows what to say and what to do around children .And Rimi absolutely adores him---"

"Now you are exaggerating", Sanyukta bit back quickly.

"Am I ??",Ishika said tilting her head to one side.

At the pub:

Randhir drank a double whisky in one go and gasped with satisfaction..

"Easy Bro...", Parth frowned .

" I needed that..."

"Bhai....You said the same thing four rounds ago.God knows how many you had before we reached ...".
Randhir had called them up as soon as Sanyukta left his house that morning . They came rushing to him hearing him all broken down.

"Not many... Just 5 or 6", he replied.

Parth shook his head." I can't believe you're smoking again..."

Randhir chuckled ," Me too. The best part is I called you two here in the pub, this early to watch me do this. I'm sorry..."

"And I can't believe they have let you in here at 8:30 in the morning", said Tanya.

"Well , that comes in handy when your friendly with the management ", Randhir said raising a toast towards the landlord at the bar.

"This place is a totally bizarre ...", Tanya frowned.

"I'm sorry for calling you here this early.. All the way from Gurgaon..You guys are too good and  I don't deserve you guys.Thank you for---"

"Bhai--Don't. There's no need. We understand", Tanya interrupted.

"You know ,Tanya. Sanyukta's was  so right. What can I offer anyone..??"

"You can offer her everything a women desires, Bhai . You are a kind , sensitive and handsome man with a big conscience".

She sighed and continued.
"What I feel is , you haven't laid down  your own defences enough? I'm sorry to say but you are too secretive about yourself. You are too deep for your own good.You only open up in front of Parth & me. And of course Aaryan to some extent-  But ...You haven't let her see who you really are?? Or rather What your really like??
You had a bad childhood, but still you know your values . You know what's important in life.
You had all the luxury but you rejected all that and chose a path that is less travelled. Ok , your grandfather  got you into cars but you turned it into a business....."

Randhir's head sank lower towards the table. Exhaustion was creeping up on him. He hadn't slept last night, keeping guard beside the couch as if someone might have sneaked in and tried to steal Sanyukta away.

His brain couldn't function anymore. He could see everything in front of him going Round and Round and Round.
"Looks like we've got to get him home", were the last words he heard in Tanya's voice.


Hey guys...
Please it's a request to all my silent readers to vote. Many of you follow me but you guys never vote or comment. It doesn't take much , just a click.. Don't you think I deserve that much for all the words I type... Aren't you guys liking it??

Pre cap: Randhir goes to Sanyukta's house as per Tanya's advise . He gets  shocked.

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