Part 6

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Randhir leaned back against the classic sports car, stretching out his leg and reached for the coffee , he had made five minute ago. As soon as he took a sip he realised-- what had seemed to be five minutes was close to twenty-five minutes. Urghhh , he made a face ..

Although, Parth was his half brother , born after his mom's second marriage to Abhay Kashyap.. He truly loved his brother and he was very fond of him.

"What Parth has been Upto this time?", he enquired .

"OH!!!!!He made me crazy this time going on about the wedding".

"You mean, he's nervous and got cold feet?? Oh come on ,it's perfectly normal for a groom to be ..", Randhir chipped with a slight irritation in his tone.

" He met a girl last Saturday , apparently a nanny from Delhi . "

"Okay.. But,what does it got to do with his wedding", Randhir frowned.

"He's saying ...he is in love with her and  wants to postpone the wedding to rethink on his decision of marrying Tanya.",she sighed .

"So..., what do u want from me...???"

"Randhir..., do you have any idea, how much money has been spent in planning this grand wedding. He can't back out just like that..." She sighed and continued "you've got to do something about it."

"Why me of all the people.???", he cribbed.

"Because you are the only person he listens to --".she stated

" okay....I'll have a word with him",
   saying this he disconnected the call.

This was the reason he stayed away from both his mom and dad . They both were money minded and kept money over all relations. This is one of the reason they got divorced after 7 years of marriage. His dad was always busy striving hard to make it big in the business world. He never had time for his family. While his mom, met someone who's more successful and eventually got married to him after her divorce.
His mom, took him along with her as he was too young . His dad was allowed to meet him on weekends by the domestic court. This continued for few months then it stopped , as his dad got more busy with business trips.But, his dad took care of all his expenses including his education .
Mr. Kashyap was a genuine man, who loved him like his own son .Randhir moved out of their house at the age of 18 and started living on his own .

Randhir came out of his thoughts and dialled a number.
"Hey Parth..."

"Hi Bro, what's up" chipped an excited voice at the other end.

"It's been so long, we haven't catch up. Can we meet tonight??"

"Sure Bro , anytime for you"-

" Alright then, I'll text you the place and time - Bye "


"What's so urgent Bro???", Parth enquired .

" I just want to discuss a certain lady, I've been hearing about "- Randhir chipped raising his brow.

"Oh!!! Mom told you ... I should have guessed it", chuckled Parth .

" I hope she's just making mountains out of mole hills .I don't suppose there's anything serious "--Randhir spoke with a serious tone.

" I think, I'd like it to be...She's  just amazing Bhai."

"Then what about Tanya?? Your fiancée ." , Randhir chipped with a frown.

"Ah .... Bhai. I don't want to hurt her but I just can't stop thinking about Ishika."- Parth said it frankly.

" Ishika....????"

"Ishika Khanna ,she's a nanny. She lives in south Delhi."-- Parth replied.

"Since how long you know her...?"

"I met her last  Saturday at the pub where  I went with my friends  for a boys night"..


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