Part - 19

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A few moments later Sanyukta found herself staring in a small mirror in the ground floor washroom. Her lipstick had rubbed off , except around the edges as if she had only remembered to put on her liner and mascara. She pulled a lipstick from her bag and applied another coat.
'Why am I bothering', she said to herself. 'Why had Randhir invited me on the first place , when he seem to be busy and least bothered .'
She checked her watch , 4 minutes had passed. Not long enough. She waited another two minutes before unlatching the door and cracking it open.

The moment she stepped out, someone grabbed her arm and pinned her to the nearest wall.
"What the hell ---- Ron!!", she said catching hold of her breath.

"Ron ????", he cocked is brow as he repeated it . Then decreasing the distance between them , he whispered in her ear ,"Do you know that's the first time you called me that . I like it.". She could feel his hot breath on her skin. Her heart was beating so fast that she felt it would come out any moment now. He winked at her giving a winning smirk.
"Sorry if I startled you..I just wanted to get your attention ".., he said straightening their position .

"And why do you think you can only get it by being dramatic ?", she questioned

"I'm Sorry .Really. And speaking of drama --What's the scene between you and Aaryan?? Are you two ---", he was cut off by her
"No... Not at all. I don't know what's gotten into him today??"

"Too much of alcohol I guess ",he chuckled and continued "By the way, there's nothing going on between me and Kavita either. I'm immune to her coquettish behaviour".


"The girl who has been bending my ear since last one hour".

"Oh, that's Krithika not Kavita ", she corrected. 'How does he always manage to read my mind', she said to herself in mind.

"See... I don't even know her name", he chuckled which instantly made her feel light and happy inside but again there was nothing certain yet.

"Listen", she paused for a while and continued, " Its time I should go home. May be you can tell Aaryan that my nanny rang up with a problem and I had to leave... Something like that ???

"Can we speak before you leave ??? ",he had reached out for her hand and was now holding it in his large and warm ones. His touch always did so many things to her .

"I guess that's what we are doing now",she contested.

"No .. I mean - I want to talk to you properly where we won't be disturbed by anyone", saying so he pulled her hand and steered her upstairs . Sanyukta's heart skipped a beat. She felt butterflies in her stomach .'Nothing is going to happen Sanyukta' , she said to herself sternly .

"Sorry Poggy. This is private ", he grinned at his dog who was lying on the couch of the upstairs hall and wagging her tail . He opened the first door on the left and pulled Sanyukta inside flicking on the lights.

She blinked a moment and then looked around . They were in a moderate sized room which seemed to contain nothing but books. There was a desk by the window and a large antique chair in front of it.

"This is my study ", he announced.
"I can see that " , she said " It's also your favourite room".

"And what made you conclude that??"

"The attention to details and also the thought why you brought me here of all the places???"..

"Well, yeah ... It used to be my favourite place but now am busy elsewhere and Moreover I said I wanted to talk to you without being interrupted which was not possible downstairs and on this floor apart from this room and the bathroom every other room is a bed room.', a naughty smile crept on his lips. " I didn't want you to get the wrong idea".

"Right ", Sanyukta looked away , pretending to read the spine of a nearby book. " That makes sense".

"What ??? The title of the novel or what I just said", he asked mischievously .
She looked back at him and pulled a face.

"Can I ask you a question ? Did you decorate your house yourself or got a designer to get it done?? From what I saw it looked absolutely marvellous ."

Sanyukta felt as if she won a lottery .
"I did it myself, of course it took a couple of years until it was exactly how I wanted".

"Do you own that place??? "

"Technically no . It used to belong to my grandparents , they lived their early married life there. Then they moved out and settled in Noida. I came here and settled with my grandma after Rimi was born ".

"If you enjoy interior designing so much , why didn't  you  take it up professionally? Have you ever had formal training ?"

This was another question to steer clear of , " I was doing art at university before I dropped off. I wasn't enjoying it . To be honest getting getting pregnant was my excuse to quit". She bit her lip as she said more than she intended.

Why was he probing and provoking her this way??? And how come he was so good at it??

"Look am sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you by interrogating you and scratching your wounds. I just wanted to know you , coz I --- . Ah - I know am a total ,useless jerk who doesn't deserve anybody's love . I deserve to be alone- I deserve -------"

"Ron".... She kept her fingers on his mouth and quickly pulled away as if she had been stung--. " I .....", before the words came out of her mouth , he smashed his lips against hers fiercely and passionately as  if there's no tomorrow .


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