Part Two: Chapter One Hundred Two

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I'm sorry. I know it's unfair that I did this on your wedding day, but I can't do this anymore. Over the past two years, you've become more of a sister than anything else. When you found me in my car, I think it was the one piece of mercy that I have ever been given.

You are an angel sent to me, my only blood family that still cares for me. But you've given me the ability to have a new family. You've given me the chance to meet the people you surround yourself with, and the ability to find myself a job. The people that I have met thanks to you have saved my sanity, and you, my life.

You saw something in me that day. I don't know what it was, but thank you. I got a job. I met the love of my life. I was able to stay clean for another year (in lieu of my drunken mistake in November). You were there for me when I relapsed, and hell, you were there for me even when I didn't think I needed someone.

There is nothing I could say or do to express to you how much you mean to me. I'm selfish, and I know that. But I also know that I love you. I hope that one day you'll forgive me for anything and everything that I've put you through in the past two years. I know I'm a burden. I'm a mess of a burden. Hell, I'm horse shit thrown into a burlap sack. But you found me redeemable. And for that, I love you more then words could ever describe.

Your sister,

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