Chapter 1

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I sighed deeply as I went inside the campus. I couldn't even believe that I studied here. And today would be another pain to me but to them, it would be just another boring day. And who are they? Simple, the famous 5 heartthrob gangsters at school, the GazettE.

I hate those gangsters. They bully each student who has lower position than them. They're acting like gods or like they own the campus. Well, the guy who named Takashima Kouyou or should I say Uruha owns the campus. And the other four were like his brothers so I guess they act like they own it as well. But that is an exception! If one owns it, the others should be humble since they are just students! I can't accept that they should act like they own it as well just because they're like brothers. They should be humble because they are students in this school as well.

"Kyaaa! It's the GazettE!" Just as soon as I reached the classroom, a girl squealed and ran outside. And the other girls did the same thing. I sighed deeply as I walked to my seat and sat down. Just then, a girl appeared in front of me and slapped me. I cupped my face and pulled her necktie.

"What the heck was that for!?" I screamed and pushed the girl away. She simply smirked and pulled my hair. "Wow. The nerd has the guts to do that." There it goes again. One thing I hate the most here in school...BULLYING.

Ever since I started high school here, I was always bullied. Now, I'm a senior high and I am still being bullied, even the lower year students. I'm pretty used to it so I don't mind but this girl is an exception.

"Yeah. I have the guts to do that! What the heck do you want now?!" I screamed at the girl who slapped me. "I want you to go there and bow down at the GazettE. Kouyou-sama owns this campus so respect them every time they enter this school."

I clenched my fists and punched the table as I screamed at the girl. "I've had enough of this worshipping! Are they gods or something? Sure, I would respect Uruha since he owns the school but bowing down to his so called brothers is an exception!

Why are you even respecting those boys!? Are you guys their pathetic servants!? Yeah, I may be a nerd but I'm not one you pitiful losers!"

"How dare you insult them!" The girl screamed back at me and pulled my hair. She dragged me downstairs and went to the hallway where the gangsters were. She walked towards them and threw me in front of the GazettE.

"Hi Mizuri. What a nice surprise. And who did you bring?" The noseband guy who I believe was Reita asked the girl who dragged me here. He looked at me, confused.

"Oh nothing. Just a pathetic nerd who insulted you." Mizuri answered the noseband's question.

"Eh? So how did she insult us?" That shortie meanie which was Ruki sat in front of me as he questioned Mizuri. Then he pulled me closer to his face, approximately 5 cm away. I heard the students gathered around and surrounded us. Great. I will be humiliated again in front of the campus.

"So, how did this pathetic nerd insulted us?" Ruki asked the same question. I snapped and screamed as I pushed the shortie away from me. "What the fucking hell is wrong with you?! You guys are the pathetic ones because you always thought that you're the gods of this campus when you deny the fact that you're not!" That should teach the chibi a lesson for insulting me like that.

Ruki grinned maliciously and grabbed my collar. He pulled me closer like what he did earlier. Then he whispered in my ear, "You will soon regret your actions." His creepy voice sent shivers down my spine. Reita suddenly stood beside me as he pulled me up by pulling my hair. I screamed in pain.

"You sure do have a potty mouth for a girl. And that's what I hate about you." He whispered in my ear as he pulled my hair harder. I winced in pain and screamed at the noseband blonde. "I don't expect you to like me because I hate you as well!"

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