Chapter 10

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Katherine awoke with the sun shining in her face. She wasn't a morning person now unlike years ago and she felt even more tired as she couldn't sleep. Groaning, she rolled over to discover she was still alone. "Chris?" She asked quietly.

"He must be downstairs." She mumbled, crawling out of bed. She grabbed some clothes and quickly got dressed. Today, she wore jean shorts and a black tank top. She also tied a light jacket around her hips in case she got cold.

After tying her hair up in a ponytail, she slipped on some white sandals and walked downstairs. The scent of delicious food cooking made her stomach grumble. Her mother was cooking pancakes and chopping up fresh fruit. "Good morning." She said once she saw her daughter.

"Morning. I was finally able to get some sleep." Katherine stood next to her mother. "That's good. There's some coffee if you want any." Her mother nodded toward the coffee machine. Katherine poured herself a cup.

"Is Christopher going to be down in a minute?" Her mother asked while putting some pancakes on a plate. "I don't know. I thought he was down here." Katherine said after taking a few small sips. Her mother chopped up some strawberries before looking surprised.

"I haven't seen him yet." Her mother handed the plate to her daughter. Katherine hummed in thought. She took the plate and went to the island counter. This was definitely unusual for him. Katherine ate a few bites while listening to her mother humming and making a batch of pancakes for herself. "Think maybe, he's getting that surprise ready?" Her mother asked after a while of silence.

Katherine smiled. "I hope so. I don't think anything bad would've happened to him. Maybe he's just in the study." She began eating her pancakes more quickly. Her mother sat down next to her daughter and they ate while talking about their jobs as a change of subject. After breakfast, Katherine waited for Chris to return. A few hours later, she was tapping her foot on the floor and typing rapidly on the computer.

It was nearly nightfall and Katherine was more than worried. She hadn't heard a word from him all day. This really wasn't like Chris to not say anything. She was pacing the living room this time and biting her nails when her phone began ringing. Katherine nearly jumped for the phone on the second ring. Her mother sat up more alert as she set her book down.

She didn't even bother looking at the caller ID. Katherine was too excited at thinking he was finally calling her. "Chris? Where have you been?" She asked half worried and half angry. "Chris? Who's that?" A woman's voice asked. Katherine slapped her face as hard as she could. Her mother couldn't help but giggle at her daughters reaction.


What do you think happened to Chris? Who do you think the woman calling is?

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