Chapter 35

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Katherine and Chris walked into the room where the wedding reception would begin. Long tables were on one side with silver plates and silverware and an off-white tablecloth along with small boutiques of various flowers. The other side had a speaker that cover most of the wall and hardwood floors which served as the dancing area.

The two walked over to a table and Chris pulled out a chair for Katherine. She sat down and he effortlessly moved her closer to the table. "Thank you." She said once he sat down next to her. "You're welcome." He looked at her and smiled. A spontaneous idea came to his mind and now he wanted to wait for the right moment.

The entire room was quickly filled with everyone. Some of them were talking about remembering something but couldn't recall what it was. Katherine looked at Chris with a smirk. "I don't remember anything." He winked. She laughed. Chris looked over on the other side of the room and saw someone staring at him.

The priest called Chris over which surprised him. "I'll be right back." He got up and walked over to him. Gina rushed over and tackled her friend before she could get to her feet. "Oh, thank you for coming!" Her friend said happily.

"No problem. Could you loosen up or your going to squeeze me to death?" Katherine laughed. Gina let go and stood back. "Is it me or do you feel like something happened back at the church but you can't remember it?" Her friend tilted her head slightly to the side. Katherine gulped nervously. She couldn't lie and now she had to say something.

Chris overheard the question from across the room and quickly walked over. "Hi, Chris! I'm glad you made it." Gina switched the subject. "Thank you and congratulations to you two." Chris smiled friendly. "Thank you." Gina felt like she wanted to say something but was interrupted by someone making an announcement that dinner would be served in a few minutes then followed by dancing.

"I probably should be over by Lee and my father. I hope you two have fun." Gina walked away and said a few words to a few people before sitting next to her now husband. Katherine looked at her secret fiancé curiously.

"What did he have to say?" She nodded her head towards Gina's father. "I couldn't erase his memory." Chris whispered in her ear. Katherine looked at him both confused and horrified. "If I did, I'd have to deal with serious consequences for altering a priest's mind." Chris whispered again.

Katherine took a quick glance at her friend's father. He was looking suspicious and sternly over at them. "So he has seen everything?" She whispered. Chris nodded. "He asked if I'm really the devil or an angel." The waiters began walking around carrying trays of food. Once their waiter placed two plates of food in front of them and left, Katherine asked, "What did you say?"

Chris smirked at that question. "I said I was neither." He picked up a knife and fork and began cutting up a vegetable to make it look like he would eat. Katherine sighed sadly. "It must be rough not being able to eat." She whispered. "I haven't eaten in over three hundred years, I don't want to waste my time wishing for something I can't have." He said continuing to cut whatever was on his plate.

Katherine, however, did eat half of her food and took some of his to make it look like he ate. A DJ soon announced that the bride and groom will be dancing soon. The waiters all came back out and took all the silverware and plates and returned back to the kitchen.

They had a few minutes while they were getting the music ready."I don't think I can eat another bite." Katherine said. Chris chuckled. "Not even for some cake?" He asked playfully. Katherine groaned. He laughed and took her hand. They stared at each other before Chris kissed the back of her hand. This was the perfect moment to ask.


I'll be in Wisconsin almost all week so I may not be able to post next Sunday.

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