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Unknown - ok seriously, im still curious as to who you are.

Abbey - should'nt you be filming your porno old man?

Unknown - im 21, for your information, and it was for youtube not pornhub.

Abbey - good to know.

Abbey - youtube huh? youtube is cool, kian lawley is bae.

Unknown - kian lawley? you like him?

Abbey - um, kian lawley is life. literal life.

Unknown - what if i told you my name was kian? 😘

Abbey - what if i said you were full of shit?

Unknown - lol true, hes a cool guy though. im rob btw.

Abbey - hes not cool, he is amazing.

Unknown - whats your name, just tell me...

Unknown - please? 😔

Abbey - *sigh* my name is abbey, nice to sort of meet you i guess.

Rob The Weirdo - that's a cute name, where are you from? im in LA.

Abbey - im in LA, but im from australia. im on holiday.

Rob The Weirdo - oh damn, thats a shame. how much longer are you here for?

Abbey - 3 more weeks, so when i go home i wont have this number anymore and we can go back to our normal lives... dont get any ideas.

Rob The Weirdo - i dont have any idea's but i can assure you after you leave, we'll still be talking

Abbey - says who?

Rob The Weirdo - says me. 😜

Abbey - ha, nice try buddy.

Rob The Weirdo - aww, you called me buddy. thats cute.

Abbey - lol, gtg.


Rob The Weirdo - haaaaay girl.

Abbey - are you channeling your inner vagina?

Rob The Weirdo - lol, no. whats up?

Abbey - not much really, probably stalk my future husband and blow up his twitter, cause im annoying like that. hby?

Rob The Weirdo - just finished filming, about to head home. lol, that kian guy?

Abbey - if by the "kian" guy, you mean kian lawley, then yes. my bae.

Rob The Weirdo - what makes him so special?


Rob The Weirdo - jeez, calm down abs.

Abbey - abs? are we on a nickname basis now? cause i can't shorten yours.

Rob The Weirdo - thats ok, i forgive you. 😊

Abbey - 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻

Abbey - why does kian not see me? fml.

Rob The Weirdo - that guy has a shit ton of followers, cut him some slack, im sure one day he will.

Abbey - true, but why can't i be lucky?

Rob The Weirdo - be careful what you wish for?

Abbey - what's that suppose to mean? 😩

Rob The Weirdo - lol nothing, driving now. ttyl.

Abbey - peace amigo. ✌🏻️

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