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- Abbey -

I was still gripping on Arnica in shock. What the fuck just happened? Kian was looking down at me biting his lip.

"why did Kian just say your name and wave at you?" Arinca asked, puzzled.

I just shook my head, while looking at Kian then i looked to her.

"i have no idea" barely a whisper was all i was able to choke out.

I looked back up, but Kian was gone. Jc was looking down at me and smiled, giving me a nod.

WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK IS HAPPENING!? Did i win some sort of competition? Am i being pranked right now?

- Kian -

I bit down on my lip while looking at Abbey, i probably just gave the poor girl a heart attack. My bad. I was about to say something when i felt someone grab my arm and pull me back, it was my manager.

"We have to go back inside now" he said, motioning his head towards the door.

"one sec" i held up my finger and walked back to the balcony. All i could see were her friends in the same spot, and Abbey walking away. I sighed to myself. Pretty sure ive ruined things.

I gave the crowd one last wave and turned back around to head inside, when my phone started vibrating in my pocket. I pulled it out and she was calling me. I went to answer it and my manager took my phone from my hands.

"dude!" i shouted.

"you can have this back after the meet and greet" he raised a brow.

"whatever" i was beyhond pissed off now.


- Abbey -

I tried to call Rob, numerous ammounts of times. We had never spoken on the phone before, but this bitch had some explaining to do. I'm so confused right now, i still can't believe what happened. It was now almost 5pm, the show started at 6:30, so we were still walking around like mindless idiots, Arnica has been on my case all afternoon since the stunt from earlier happened, but i knew just as much as she did. Which was nothing.

We were sitting back in the park again, about 10 minutes had passed, the sun was starting to set and more girls were arriving for the show. The line up recently left the meet and greet area in a bus back towards the back entrance of the theatre which made most of the girls run in that direction about 5 minutes ago. Typical. Then i felt my phone vibrate in my hand.

Rob 👽 - go to the front of the theatre, to the doors on the right hand side. a blonde girl will be waiting for you.

I held up my phone to Arnica.

"what the hell? who's rob? and why's he telling you to meet some girl?" she raised a brow.

I looked back at the text, this is not a funny joke anymore.

Abbey 🦄 - i dont know what kind of sick jokes your trying to play right now, but im going to block your ass.

Rob 👽 - no, dont do that. please just trust me, she's there waiting for you.

I sighed, what have i got to lose?

Abbey 🦄 - ugh, can i bring someone with me?

Rob 👽 - sadly, no. come alone.

I rolled my eyes and stood up, wiping the grass off my pants.

"i'll be back" i looked at the girls and picked up my bag.

"where are you going?" Arnica ask leaning back on her hand.

"i'm about to find out" i rolled my eyes turning around, and walked towards the theatre.

When i got there, sure enough, there was a blonde girl standing in the right hand corner, looking down at her phone. I walked up to her, folding my arms.

"uhh, hi. apprently i was ment to meet you here?" i said, making it sound like a question.

She looked up at me and smiled. "are you abbey?" she put her phone in her back pocket.

"that's me..." i raised a brow.

"great, im lauren" she turned around and opened the side door.

"follow me" she said walking inside.

"whats going on?" i asked, walking in behind her.

"sadly, im not allowed to tell you" she closed the door behind me, reaching into her back pocket and handing me a lanyard with a laminated tag that said "AAA" on it.

"put this on" she instructed.

I took it from her and put it around my neck.

"did i win something im not aware of?" she started walking towards the double doors that led into the stadium.

"not exactly, just trust me, your safe" she tried to assure me.

I sighed, continuing to follow her. After we had walked down the isle's, we made a left where there was a door covered by a curtain, which i presume was backstage. Something is not right surely. I still tried to ask her questions, but she ignored me.

After a few minutes and a trip up a flight of stairs, we stopped at a door and she stood in front of it and looked at me, i almost ran into her because i was not paying attention. Is this the part where i die?

"there is someone behind that door who is very eager to meet you, you are able to stay backstage for the rest of the night if you'd like also" she smiled, looking towards Andrea who was walking past. I didnt need anymore heart attacks today.

Andrea smiled at me.

"hey" she said, continuing to walk, soon enough she dissapeared down the staircase.

"if you need anything, let me know" lauren smiled, then walked off, also dissapearing down the staircase.

I was about to open my mouth, but it was to late. She was already gone. I looked at the door and sighed. Its now or never. Whats all this fuss about.

I reached for the door handle, turning it slowly, pushing it open. I was preparing for the worst.

Looking up, there he was, with the biggest smile across his face. It was Kian Lawley.

He stood up, walking towards me, i took one step back.

"hi princess" he said.

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