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- Abbey -

I was currently getting ready for work. Getting back to reality seemed alot harder then i thought, i barley slept last night, after being with Kian it just didnt feel right to be alone. He had been busy all day with the tour and meet and greets. He texted me this morning, leaving me a good morning text, other then that i havent heard a thing. I get it though, 2 days ago i was in a fans position, i waited so long to meet someone i looked up too, id never drag Kian away from crushing another girls dream. I smiled to myself as i looked in the mirror, i cant believe how lucky i was.

Just as i was about to leave, i dug through my bag to double check i had everything, and thats when i found it, the letter. I had completely forgot about it until now. Shit. I sat down on my bed, ripping the envelope open.

Dear Abbey,

Or should i say my princess. I woke up with you today, in my arms, can i just say how much i wish that could be every morning? and i hope one day it can always be like that. Ive been here for half an hour contemplating what to say in this letter, to give you something more valuable to hold onto while were apart, i honestly have no idea where to even begin.

First off, i want to apoligise, for never telling you who i really was. I was scared, i wanted to get to know you better, for once i wanted to trust someone and now you have my trust in your hands. Did i ever tell you about the first time i ever saw you? on the pier in santa monica? my god, you were beautiful, looking down at the ocean, just smiling... so happy. I wanted so badly to run up to you and just hug you, forever. Until the fans came along, then i knew i had to put off telling you, im sorry i dissapointed you that day, it was not my intention. Then you told me you were meeting me, i didnt plan how it would even go, now here we are and you know the truth.

No matter what happens in the future, im so happy princess. So happy that i woke up with you today, that we got to meet, that i got to see you smile right in front of my very eyes. Promise me one thing? dont forget, because i wont, ever. I dont know what will happen when i wake up tomorrow, were we'll both end up, our paths may seperate, but weve always got this memory to hold onto. Weve got hope. I have hope that one day, you'll be mine, you'll be with me and ill never stop trying to make you smile. I'll never stop trying abbey and i hope you dont either, theres something about you that makes me almost certain my entire life is about change, and i hope that includes you. These past 4 months have been magical and i cant even begin to explain how it even happened, but im glad it did.

I dont even know if any of this made sence, but this is my promise to you. On paper, in handwriting. Your not only just my best friend, your so much more... I just wish i had the courage to tell you that in person. I could be half way around the world by the time you'll read this...

But ill never stop loving you.


I read it... once, twice... three times until i felt tears fall down my cheeks. I missed him, alot. I held it to my chest, then picked up my phone. I knew he was busy, but i had to call, i had to try.


- Kian -

Finally the day was over, not that im complaining. Sydney was amazing, the place, the people. I definatly want to come back to australia, i made a mental note to in my head. We were finally heading back to our hotel, then i realized i had not checked my phone once today, besides snapchatting with fans in the meet and greets. I had one text from Abbey and 3 missed calls and a voicemail from her. Curious i opened the voicemail to listen, putting my phone to my ear.

"hey" i heard sniffling, as if she was crying. "uhh, its me, well duh" that made me smile almost instantly. "i finally read the letter you left me... and im speechless. im sitting here when i should be on my way to work, but im crying because i miss you. I know you've been busy today, but i hope the show went well. Thank you for leaving me something, i wish i returned the favour" then the line went dead.

I didnt want her to cry, i frowned. We got off the bus, Impailed by fans almost immediatly, so i spent the next hour taking photos and giving out free hugs.


Once i was in my room i finally opened her text which inhad recieved around 11:00pm.

Abbey 🦄 - hey you, i just got home. im not sure what time your getting back, so just incase its late, i wanted to say goodnight. 😘 if i miss you ill talk to you tommorow.


Kian ❤️ - im sorry i missed you today...

Kian ❤️ - are you awake?

Kian ❤️ - i guess you fell asleep...

Kian ❤️ - sweetdreams angel. 😘

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