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- Kian -

All she did all night was cry. Cried in my arms. She stood there in the lounge room frozen, eventually i picked her up and carried her to my room and held her close. The sun was beginning to rise before she managed to settle down and close her eyes. I guess she needed to let it all out, so i let her. I listened to her. She told me how much she hated me, over and over again and i deserved it. It wasn't until she was sound asleep an actual tear fell from my eye, i really love her.

And i destroyed her.  My angel.

My princess.

- Abbey -

My eyes opened and i was in an unfamiliar room. I sprung up and looked to my left as a boy's back was facing me. Shit shit shit fuck. Did i get drunk again? i shook my head at myself. Idiot. That's when he turned, and it was Kian. Thats not as worse right? holy shit, i think it is. I mentally looked down at my body to check if all my clothing was on, and thank god it was besides my jacket, which was hanging over the back of his desk chair. Aww cutie. I slapped myself in the head. Stop. Then the memories of last night finally kicked in, now i remember everything, i cried like an idiot all night. Shit. Wow i never curse this much. I swung my legs over the bed and stood up, i needed to leave. I still cant do this, not yet. Maybe not ever.

I walked over to the chair and picked up my jacket, then heard someone groaning in the background. I turned my head to see a very confused Kian looking back at me.

"where are you going?" his raspy morning voice filled the room. fuck.

"i need to go?" i turned my full body to face him.

"why?" he rubbed a sleepy eye while his face was scrunched up.

"what we did last night, Kian im sorry. i made a fool of myself" i looked down, i was ashamed but at the same time i wanted him to see my pain.

"please stay?" he asked, sitting up he held out his hand gesturing for me to give him mine.

"no" i whispered, shaking my head.

He got up and within seconds he was in front of me. Either i zoned out or he developed some new form of olympic racing. Then his two hands found the door i was leaning on. I looked up and they were evenly placed above my head.

"im not letting you leave" he slightly tilted his head.

"that doesnt work anymore" i raised a brow.

"you sure?" he smirked.

"Kian stop" i pushed on his chest and he stepped back, he was never strong when he woke up, his muscles wouldnt kick in for at least an hour. haha, fucker.

"why? i cant lose you again?" he said.

"lose me? you know why you lost me, you know what you did, so don't give me that. how many months did it take you to wake up and realise that i actually still existed? because it didn't take you long to forget" i spat. my blood was boiling.

"abb..." he started, i cut him off.

"no. don't tell me you're sorry, its bullshit. i wasted two years of my life fighting for you and you forgot, somewhere along the way you lost me. Now... now you're still not fighting, your standing there speechless because you finally realised what you did was wrong. You think kissing me and comforting me while i cry all night over you is going to fix things? That id magically wake up and forgive you? you want to know the truth? i probably never will" i was now out of breathe, my hands in fists, id never hit him but i was just so angry.

Kian just stood there shocked, he needed a reality check.

"i hate you Kian Lawley, i hate you so much that i love you. I love you so much that it kills me to walk away, but i have too" i said.

Truth be told, it was time. I was defeated. He won. The battle is lost. I needed closure and so did he. I couldn't fight anymore, i was tired. So mentally drained but all that is him and only him, he drove me to insanity and he drove me to hell.

I slowly backed towards the door and made an exit, slipping on my jacket. I started almost jogging toward the front door. I didn't want him to see me cry and i didn't want him to yell out my name.

I didn't want him to run after me, i wanted him to forget me. It was easy before.


Another short chapter again guys. Im sorry i just wanted to post something before i went to sleep. ❤️
I hope you're all enjoying the story, don't forget to tell me if you do!


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