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- Kian -

I slowly walked over to the bed, quitely. I sat down next to Abbey, pulling away some hair that had fallen on her face and tucking it behind her ear, she was curled up in a ball with her knees to her chest. I smiled to myself, then stood up taking off my hoodie and throwing it towards my suitcase, before sitting back down next to her.

I placed a hand on her arm and slowly shook her.

"hey" i whispered.

She slowly breathed in and streched out her legs.

"wake up" i proceeded to shake her, then leaned down to kiss her cheek.

Quickly she shot up, leaning back on her hands, her eyes darted straight to me before she scrunched her face up, which i presume was because of the light shining in her crystal blue eyes.

"jesus christ" she breathed, raising a hand to rub her eye. "what time is it?" her voice was raspy, my god it was so damn hot.

I turned my head to look at the clock on the nightstand, then back to her.

"almost midnight" i replied. "how long have you been asleep?"

"i dont even know, i must have fallen asleep while waiting for you" she pulled her hair over her shoulder then looked at me.

"yeah, im sorry about that" i said, standing up.

"dont be, its ok" she smiled.

"im going to have a shower, want some clothes to sleep in? or did you want to go home?" i started walking towards my suitcase, leaning down i grabbed a shirt and some sweatpants.

"if i go home, that means i cant cuddle you and i didnt wait here for nothing" i heard her soft voice say behind me.

I stood up and smiled, turning towards her.

"good, because i was hoping you wouldnt leave" i threw the clothes at her and winked.

She giggled in return catching them before standing up.

"i wont be long, ok?" i returned back to my suitcase and grabbed another set of clothes for myself before walking to the bathroom and turning on the light.

"ok" i heard her say before i shut the door.

- Abbey -

Kians clothes felt warm against my skin, and the scent was holy. Thats creepy as shit, i shook my head and looked out the balcony window, the view of Melbourne was beautiful tonight, i could almost see my apartment being lucky enough to not live that far from where everyone was staying. I lightly ran my hand along the sheer curtain pulling it back to continue to admire the view, when i heard the bathroom door open behind me.

I turned my head to see a shirtless Kian, wearing sweatpants that hung low on his hips, his hair was still wet as was his chest. I know ive seen pictures of Kian shirtless before, but holy fuck, in the flesh... i swear to god i almost died right there and then, ive now seen it all.

"like what you see?" he asked, his words snapping me out of my daze.

The curtain i was once holding fell out of my hand, clearing my throat i turned my attention back to the view i was once looking at before Kian appeared.

"uhh... you mean this view? yeah its great" i tucked a piece of hair behind my ear.

Great comeback idiot. I closed my eyes briefly and breathed out before controlling myself, and all i could hear was Kian laughing behind me.

"what?" i snapped, turning around.

"whoa whoa" he held his hands up in defense. "no need for that, is someone a little flustered" he continued to laugh.

I picked up a pillow and threw it at him.

"shut up" Kian caught the pillow and i sat down on the bed.

"your cute" Kian said, i felt the bed sink next to me with Kian crawling up to my side, before i knew it his arms were around my waist and he had pulled me down with him.

I wasted no time turning onto my side cuddling into him, it was the best feeling ive ever known, for some reason his arms around me made everything else disapear, i smiled into his chest.

"ive waited so long for this" he whispered.

"me too" i leaned up and kissed his cheek, before my eyes caught his.

A few seconds later i felt two strong hands on each side of my waist, digging in. The fucker was tickiling me, and i was squirming for dear life, Kian crawled on top of me and pinned both hands above my head only using one hand, fml for being a weakass.

"ki.... kian please stop" i was struggling to breathe from laughter.

"say the magic word" he insisted, digging his fingers in deeper.

"magic word?" i gave him a puzzled look while kicking my legs.

"yes princess the magic word" he stopped and leaned down to kiss my cheek before continuing to tickle me.

I was almost out of breath now, and kicking was not getting me anywhere.

"please?" i struggled to say.

"hmm, sorry but thats not it" he grinned.

I was in no way, shape of form able to concentrate right now, so i did what i knew best. I screamed. It didnt take Kian long to climb off me and cover his ears. Defeated bitch.

"jesus christ, anyone would think i was fucking trying to murder you" he took his hands away from his ears shaking his head.

"hey, it worked didnt it fattie?" i raised a brow then pretended to flip my hair.

Kian gasped and held his hand to his chest.

"fat, on nu-uh girl you didnt" he tried to act offended.

"oh but babe, i did" i pout.

"how dare you, maybe i should pin you down again" he smirked.

"not today amigo, not today..." i leaned over to kiss his cheek.

Before my lips reached his cheek, Kian turned his head and his lips were now on mine.

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