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- Abbey -

One month went by, then two, then three. In the blink of an eye, it's now been almost seven months.

Seven months without Kian Lawley.

Before anyone presume he died, he didn't. In Fact, he's alive and well. Jc and i searched for over a month, when the two month mark came we found out everything. He is still in California, safe and sound. Jc and him are now in contact, while i haven't heard a thing. Any information i get comes from Jc. Kian forgave Jc, for almost two months there was no content on youtube from both of them, Kian further decided to move out and find his own place, while the two still got together to make video's and create memories. While the only memories i have are bad one's.

Kian has never told Jc why he wont speak to me, or how he feels. Kian simply said he wanted to put it all behind him and start over, he missed his best friend, i never wanted to destroy there friendship, but i did. I ruined the experience leaving there fans hanging on for dear life for two months without anything, i felt as if it was all my fault, even if it wasn't.

Jc and i are still close and hang out together usually more then twice a week, Kian leaving made us closer, weather it was a good thing or not, he was one of my best friends and i was not prepared to lose anybody else. The damage was to much on my heart, it was barely even repairable.

As for me, well...

Kurt left Los Angeles four months ago, he went back to Melbourne, i decided to stay and extended my visa. The modelling paid off, i now get constant work and it was easier for me to stay here. People were now noticing who i was, months ago fans of Kian found out my name and things went crazy, but they've settled down now. Sometimes i get stopped in the street and they ask me questions about it. The girls usually ask "what happened?" or "how's Kian?" typically i make up an excuse, to keep them happy. When in reality im far from that. You'd think us living in the same city, surely we've run into each other at some point, but we hadn't, not even a glimpse of Kian Lawley had ever become present in front of me, besides on social media, which i couldn't run from.

Life without Kian was hard. It was a mess. He was the destruction to my peace, but i didn't mind when he took all i had in his path, at least i had him.

It had been three and a half years since i knew him and what a happy, yet heartbreaking three years that has been.

- Kian -

Where have i been? I've spent the last seven months running from the one thing i ever loved more then life itself. Abbey.

I wasn't mad at her, i was mad at myself. Yes i was jealous, angry, but what i said that day, to both Abbey and Jc was wrong. I've been kicking myself ever since. I wanted to see her, i wanted to apologise, but i haven't, I'm scared. I lost her once and now i lost her again. Whatever trust we rebuilt, i destroyed. I destroyed her and i didn't want to do it a third time. She deserved better, she was better off without me.

Jc and i sorted through our problems, that and the fans missed us, and we missed them. We just decided it'd be easier to put it all behind us and start over, so we did. We no longer live together. Abbey decided to stay in Los Angeles a month after the fight, i knew her and Jc would stay friends and i didn't want to be around when she came over. I didn't want to face her, even though i know i should.

There's only one thing i knew, and one thing only...

I fucking missed her.


Hey Loves,
I know this chapter was short, but it was ment to be the first chapter / cliffhanger for a second book, i decided it would most likely be easier to continue it here, instead of releasing another book, plus all my current readers voted for it.

WARNING ; updates may be slow from here on out, due to life commitments / coming up with idea's etc...

Thank you to everyone for all the support and all the love, you guys are the best. 😍

I love you guys, enjoy the second part of the book. 😘

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