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1 Week Later

- Kian -

Tour was now officially over, our last show wrapped last night. What an amazing and lifechanging expierience this past two weeks have been. As for Abbey... well i missed her like hell, phonecalls and text messages just werent enough. We were all currently at the airport, getting ready to go home i had texted Abbey asking what her home address was so i could send her a surprise, but it wasnt a boxed gift wrapped in a bow. I had changed my flight, my new destination was Melbourne, Australia.

8 Hours Later // 10:38pm

- Abbey -

I had returned from work not long ago, i was exhausted. All i wanted to do was curl up in bed with a movie and fall asleep. I knew Kian was currently on his way back to California right now, so i havent spoken to him since earlier today, it sucked, majorly. I was about to head into the bathroom when my phone chimed, i raised a brow and picked it up.

Kian ❤️ - there's a surprise for you downstairs...

Abbey 🦄 - what are you talking about, its late.

Kian ❤️ - trust me, go get it.

I sighed, how could he possibly have had something delivered this late. I grabbed my keys and left my apartment and headed towards the elevator, once inside i pressed the level one button and crossed my arms until it had arrived to the first floor, stepping out i walked towards the front door of the complex, looking up thats when i saw Kian standing there, his face lit up like a christmas tree, he was holding a stuffed purple unicorn with a pink bow around its neck. Kian looked exhausted, i presume he was wearing a beanie because he was to tired to even bother doing his hair, he had on a big baggy jumper and black skinny jeans and a pair of white vans, travel attire i was presuming. I stopped, right there in the middle of the hallway, then almost immediatly i ran, for dear life to the door. Opening it i ran out and almost knocked Kian and i over engulfing him in a hug.

He span me around, i jumped up and wrapped my legs around his waist pulling back to look at him.

"how?" that was all i managed to be able to choke out.

"i wanted to spend a couple of days with you before i flew home" he kissed my cheek.

I just smiled, its all i could manage to do at this point. I was so tired i didnt even know if i was imagining this right now, but i didnt care, it felt real enough to me.

"surprise" he mumbled.

"oh, im surprised" i let my legs unwrap themseleves from his waist and jumped down, grabbing the handle of his suitcase in the process, him grabbing his duffle bag.

"stop for a second" he grabbed my arm. I looked back at him in awe.

"yes?" i asked.

"for you" he smiled, holding out the stuffed unicorn.

I let the handle of his suitcase go and faced him, gently taking the unicorn from his hands.

"Kian, its adorable. thank you" i got up on my toes to kiss his cheek.

"now when im gone you have a friend to cuddle" he slapped my ass with a smirk making me jump.

"come on, lets get inside" he added.

I raised a brow, tucking my new furry friend under my arm and taking his suitcase once more. I buzzed us back into the building as we walked towards the elevator.

"so how many days are you here?" i asked, looking back at him.

"3" he said, i just pouted.

"its all the extra time i could take, ive got hazel at home and secret is weve got a world tour happening over the summer" he said.

"oh my busy boy" i pressed the elevator button. "you didnt have to come see me Kian" i added in.

"but i wanted too" he smiled, both of us walking into the elevator.

"and im thankful" i pressed level number 3 and the doors closed.

"then lets make the most of it" he kissed my forehead.


- Abbey -

Honestly, last night after Kian arrived all we did was sleep. As soon as we walked through the door we were only up for about a half hour cuddling and talking before we both crashed, he was exhausted from the tour, i was exhausted from a long day of work. I opened my eyes, being greeted by a sleeping Kian, i was curled up to his chest, my leg wrapped around him and his arms holding me close. I know its only been a week and a half but i missed this already. Smiling to myself i laid there for a few moments before carefully moving myself away from him and getting up, he needed his sleep and i did not want to distrubt that. I stood up amd stretched. Going to my wardrobe i picked out some clothes then proceeded to the bathroom, after Kian arrived i completely forgot to shower last night.

- Kian -

I rolled onto my back stretching, opening my eyes to an unfamiliar room. For a second a pang of anxiety had hit me until i saw a photo of Abbey on the wall with some of her family, then i relaxed. I was so glad i made the choice to spend a few days with her until i went home and prepared for another tour, god knows when i would see her again. I looked to my right to an empty bed, she must already be awake.

20 Minutes Later

Abbey walked into the room, wearing short jean shorts a baggy tee and her hair was wet. Damn, she looked good.

"have a nice shower?" i asked, leaning up on my elbows.

She looked up at me and smiled, she jogged over the bed and tackled me.

"yay, your awake" she giggled, leaning up leaving kisses over most of my face.

"did someone miss me?" i raised a brow, pulling her into my chest.

"always" she whispered.

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