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- Abbey -

Kian's lips were on mine and it felt like the whole world stopped.

Time, my heart, space, life... everything.

I raised my left hand to the back of his neck while his right hand found its way to my cheek. Kian laid me back on the bed slowly, letting his body hover over mine while our legs were tangled together getting lost in the sheets. This moment, right now was pure bliss, i'd never forget it.

Suddenly Kian pulled away, looking down at me getting lost in my eyes, both of us breathing heavily.

"come with me" his voice was raspy but soft.

"what?" i asked, confused.

"come away with me, on tour... then back to california" he said hopeful.

I sighed then sat up, pushing him upright in the process.

"i cant Kian" i pulled my hair away from my face and looked to the side.

"what? why?" he grabbed my chin making me look at him.

"i cant just up and leave, i have a life here remember... a job, friends, my dad. i cant just leave on a plane with you tommorow and go" i looked down with my eyes, it hurt me to say it.

"well what do we do? i dont just want to leave and say goodbye" he choked out, covering it up with a sigh and a laugh.

I looked up at Kian and put both of my hands on each side of his face, letting his eyes find mine.

"we'll figure that out ok? but for now, lets just make the most of it. please?" i begged.

Kian nodded, thats all i got. I wish he had not brought it up, because i did not want to think about saying goodbye, not yet anyway. After everything that had happened today, the months leading up to this, so many things were left for me here to ponder while he would be gone. I let my hands fall off his face and laid back on the bed in defeat. I wished so badly i could just run away on tour for two weeks, but i couldn't, better yet what was it going to feel like when he was back in california and i was stuck here, without him. How could one simple text all lead to this, who knew right? i dont think either of us did, nor did i expect it to be the one and only Kian Robert Lawley. I was distracted by my thoughts when i felt the bed beside me shift and a pair of arms around my waist pulling me close.

"im sorry, i just dont want to leave you" Kian said.

I rolled onto my side, snuggling into him as close as i could, looking up into his eyes.

"its not goodbye, its just temporary" all i could hope now is that what i had just said was true.


sorry for the short chapter guys, but i hope you still liked it.
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