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- Abbey -

I was frozen still. I couldn't move. I couldn't Breathe. I couldn't speak. I was not prepared for this moment, this time it wasn't some random guy i had a mirage with, it was him, in the flesh. I'm not sure how long we both stood there starring, but it's not until Jc cleared his throat that i snapped out of my trance. Corey pushed Kian through the door making him almost fall into me.

"a-abbey" Kian stuttered.

"what are you doing here?" he asked, rubbing the back of his neck.

I still couldn't speak, it was about 10 seconds before i opened my mouth to say something, but Jc beat me to it.

"she came to see me, since apparently you two haven't spoken in almost a year" he folded his arms and raised a brow to Kian.

"oh" that's all Kian managed to let out. Corey was starring between all three of us confused as fuck.

"we were just leaving" i said, grabbing Jc's arm to pull him along.

"come on" i eagerly said, pulling Jc towards the door. Eventually he sped up and walked in front of me, disappearing out the door. He must of been mad. I looked at Corey then to Kian, before almost walking out, but Kian spoke up.

"can we talk?" he asked, making me stop in place.

I slowly turned around, looking into those brown eyes that used to make my heart stop. Now all they do is smash it into pieces, i can barely even look at him at all anymore. The photo's and video's i still see floating around on social media completely destroy my existence.

"i think its a little to late for that Kian" i said softly, trying not to cry and collapse at the same time.

"im sorry ab..." he spoke, but i cut him off.

"save it Kian, it's to late for that" i spat, i turned around and walked out the door, slamming it in the process.

When i walked into the hall, Jc stood against the wall, his arms still folded and he looked at me.

"you ok kiddo?" he asked.

"i will be" i smiled, catching up to him.

"adventures?" i asked.

"adventures" he smiled.

Jc and i walked to the elevator and down to the parking garage of the apartment building. We both climbed into his jeep, both looking at each other.

"where to?" he asked, curious.

"lets just drive and get lost somewhere" i replied, smiling i put my seatbelt on. Jc did the same thing.

"ok" Jc smiled, starting up his jeep.

And that's exactly what we did, starting driving with no direction.

- Kian -

What just happened? Why was she here? Better yet, why the hell was she even in La. When i saw her, everything stopped, i know i hurt her but its like nothing changed, she was the only girl who could make my whole universe stop when i looked into her crystal blue eyes. I wanted to hold her so bad, tell her i was sorry and hope she'd forgive me. I knew she never would, but a small part of me hoped she would. I don't blame her, but i'd do anything to take back all the hurt i caused her. Jc obviously now knew that i had been lying, i don't blame him for being mad either, eventually i knew he'd find out and i don't even know why i even lied in the first place. For the past year, i felt no emotion at all. Now i feel everything. Ive seen that beautiful face that once made my life more magical then anyone could ever imagine. Ive seen how much i destroyed her. I have to make it right, i have to fix this.

I have to fix us.


Sorry for the short chapter guys, its 1:40am but i wanted to give you guys an update. I hope you're all enjoying it so far. 😘 what do you guys think?


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