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- Abbey -

"because i promised you that one day, you'd be my vip"

Kians words ran through my ears on repeat at least 5 times, while i just starred at him with wide eyes. Creeper alert.

I stood up, probably more quickly then i should have. His eyes followed my movements, then he slowly stood up. Since he was alot taller then i was, i looked up at him, today has been a whirlwind of emotions. Within seconds i had smiled, pulling up my arms i wrapped them around his neck, pulling him into a hug, i needed it, i needed to know this was real. I felt kians arms around my waist almost immediatly.

Kian leant his chin on my shoulder.

"does this mean im off the the hook?" i could feel him smiling.

"shut up Kian" i buried my face into his neck. The room soon being filled with Kian's laugh.

4 Hours later

Soon after Kian and i were alone, everyone was soon rushing around getting prepared for the show. I decided it'd be best if i went back out to join my friends, Kian begged me to stay backstage but of course being stubborn he lost that battle.

As for the show itself, it was amazing. Not only the fact Rob was actually Kian Lawley, i cant believe i had finally been able to meet and see the people ive looked up to for so long. The lights had just faded out, and the talent had gone backstage. All the crazed fangirls started leaving the venue. Which is what i was planning to do when my phone had gone off in my pocket.

Rob 👽 - get your ass back here girl...

I should really change his contact name now.

I smiled, then realized i still hadnt told my friends what had happened. I wasnt sure if it was a good idea. I ended up telling them that my friend was being an idiot and it was all a practical joke, i felt extremely bad, but i wasnt able to let anyone else come with me. I caught up with my friends in the isle and walked up to the door with them. Shit shit shit, what do i do? i thought to myself.

"oh shit, i left my lipstick, i need to go find it, ill catch up!" i said, before walking back down to my seat.

"okay" all the girls said at once.

Good excuse dumb ass.

I looked behind me and realized they had walked out and i sighed to myself. It was dark in the venue and the last few girls were walking out the door and security was looking at me in confusion, i unzipped my bag and dug through it looking for the "AAA" pass i had been given earlier when i felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist. I let out a scream.

"shhh princess its just me" Kians soft voice whispered into my ear.

I looked back and raised my left hand up to my chest.

"dont do that, impaitient much?" i said turning around, putting the pass around my neck.

"since when am i ever in melbourne? ill creep up on you if i want too" he raised a brow.

i glared at him and huffed. "true"

"come on" Kian grabbed my hand, pulling me towards the backstage entrance.

- Kian -

Abbey and i had been hanging out backstage for around a half hour now, typical prodical as were unable to leave straight away. Everyone was scattered around talking and winding down. Abbey, Jc and myself were sitting in our dressing room waiting to be told we were all leaving.

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