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- Abbey -

It's been exactly 5 hours and 31 minutes since i last saw Kian, now i sound like a crazy obsessed stalker, but the truth was i was obsessed, and this wasnt just because at first i was a fan, i still am a fan, but i think im in love, the honeymoon stage has hit me and were not even together, lol. what has my life come to? I spent almost 4 years of my life following someone who never knew i exsisted to becoming a part of his reality. I cant wrap my head around it, at all. Im still waiting to wake up and it all be a dream, but im to high on cloud nine for that right now.

I was distracted by my phone, it was Kian.


Kian ❤️ - hey beautiful, i got here safe. i would have texted you sooner but we got mobbed at the airport.

Abbey 🦄 - oh gosh, are you ok?

Kian ❤️ - yes princess, the fans are going nuts right now, as is twitter. that kiss caused a major scene.

Abbey 🦄 - well what did i tell you?

Kian ❤️ - if my fans truely support me, then they should be happy for me. im happy, i dont regret it.

Abbey 🦄 - me neither. 😊 i havent checked twitter yet, im to scared to.

Kian ❤️ - its a mixture of good and bad. and a sneaky photo. 😜


Kian ❤️ - you'll have to check for yourself babe...

So i did, i jumped onto twitter and i was immediatly hit with the photo of us earlier today, retweeted by thousands, it was everywhere. Some girls had horrible things to say about it, while others were supportive. No one had any clue who i was yet, my friends who knew about it have been nice enough to keep it to themselves, everyone else was asking what my name was. Kian and i both already knew it was smart to keep that a mystery for now. Scrolling down my newsfeed i saw a tweet from kian, not just a tweet but a photo, and that photo was of me, in bed. It must of been early this morning, i had my back turned to the camera, the sheets hanging by my waist and my hair pooling out onto the pillow.

@KianLawley goodmorning. ☺️❤️

It was definatly taken of some hidious hour while i was sound asleep, at least the caption was angelic. The sneaky little shit.

Abbey 🦄 - why did you post that?! people are calling me a slut. 😔

Kian ❤️ - its no ones business what we did, even though we didnt have sex. ignore them, you are beautiful and there opinions are irrelevant.

Abbey 🦄 - but why did you take the photo?

Kian ❤️ - because i want to remember every moment i got to spend with you, that being one of them.

Abbey 🦄 - why are you such a chessy little shit?

Kian ❤️ - why are you so stubborn?

Abbey 🦄 - no comment.

Kian ❤️ - exactly so shut up.

Abbey 🦄 - make me.

Kian ❤️ - soon. 😘

Abbey 🦄 - its only been 6 hours, but im counting down the non exsistant days as we speak. 😭

Kian ❤️ - smile princess, im still here.



Kian ❤️ - sorry babe, its been a hectic day.

Kian ❤️ - 11:11! make a wish.

Abbey 🦄 - dont apoligise, i get it. and ooooooo, ok done. ☺️

Kian ❤️ - what did you wish for?

Abbey 🦄 - what did you wish for?

Kian ❤️ - i asked you first...

Abbey 🦄 - yeah and if i tell you it wont come true.

Kian ❤️ - fuck the rules.

Abbey 🦄 - sorry. 😘

Kian ❤️ - Jc says hi btw.

Abbey 🦄 - tell the curlyhaired chubby kid i miss him & hiiiiiiiiiii. ☺️

Kian ❤️ - so you dont miss me?

Abbey 🦄 - i miss you more then you know...

Abbey 🦄 - im falling asleep. 😔

Kian ❤️ - no baby, dont go. 😔

Abbey 🦄 - i cant help it, im sorry. im exhausted. 💔

Kian ❤️ - go to sleep its ok. 😘

Abbey 🦄 - sweetdreams babe. 💕

Kian ❤️ - sweetdreams princess. 👑😘

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