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- Abbey -

I was currently at the top of the stairs, waiting with my friends Arnica, Rachel, Ebonnie & Siena. All of a sudden Trevor and Andrea had appeared, walking past the crowd and going to an outside area, thats when it hit me, the nerves, oh god. Arnica and i took a peak outside and i could see Jc laying down, but no sign of kian.

I looked back at Arnica, a few minutes later we decided to look once more, KIAN FUCKING LAWLEY HAD JUST WALKED OUT, i held back my scream as a bunch of girls started to push, he touched a few girls hands, unfortunatly i wasnt one of them. After Kian walked out, Tyde walked out after him followed by Jc, my friend Arnica pushed and grabbed Jc's hand. Why am i the only unlucky one today?

I got to the start of the line, well almost. I could see everyone, including Kian and Jc, they were first, and Jc looked over and looked at me right in the eye and smirked before looking back at the camera. Holy fuck, i think i just died.

Arnica was in front of me, both of us waiting in the line. Before i knew it the chaperone took her phone and off she went. I was next, and i couldnt contain myself. While waiting, mamma mallet ( tyde levi and troye sivan's mum ) was at the front of the line directing people to there chaperone's and talking to girls in the line.

Smiling i looked at her. "is it ok if i get a photo with you?" i asked.

"of course" she smiled, while i pulled out my phone and attempted to take the photo, i noticed how much i was shaking and i turned to her. "im so sorry, im so nervous"

She put a hand on my back. "dont be nervous, your beautiful and look at your hair" she lifted her hand from my back and ran her fingers through my purple hair. "its so gorgeous"

"thank you so much" i couldnt stop smiling, at this point i didnt know weather to faint or realize this could possibly be a dream.

Seconds later a man had walked up, greeting me. I looked over to him and back to mamma mallet.

"Your next, good luck. Have a nice day" She spoke so kindly, it was unreal. I wish she was my mum.

"It was so nice to meet you, have a nice day" i turned to my chaperone and handed him my phone.

"would you like to hold your bag aswell?" he asked.

"sure, that would be great thanks" i pulled my bag off my shoulder, passing it to him. Within seconds it was on his shoulder. "can you please take as many photo's of me with kian and jc as you can?" i practically begged this poor guy.

"yeah, of course. dont worry" he reassured me.

"thank you" i breathed out and turned towards Kian and Jc, who were just finishing up with Arnica.

A guy in a yellow shirt had approached me, i presume he was Kian and Jc's amplify tour manager. "who are you most excited to see?" he asked eagerly.

This is when the nerves hit me hard, really hard and my voice changed suddenly. "Kian" i stuttered. "i really want to meet Kian" i said putting my hand up to my mouth.

He smiled and turned to Kian. "OI Kian, Kian come here, someone wants to meet you" he yelled. Before i knew it i was being pushed towards Kian Lawley.

- Kian -

I couldnt register what was about to happen, Jc already knew it was her, he saw her way before i did. Why was i so god damn nervous? ugh, stop it Kian. I was currently talking to Jc, trying to delay time, i really did not want to turn around. When i heard my name being yelled.

"OI Kian, Kian come here, someone wants to meet you" i heard my manager say.

This was it, i had to turn around. So i did, and there she was. Getting pushed towards me.

She was perfect, words cannot begin to describe it. Her blue eyes sparkled like sapphires, she had the biggest smile on her face, her smile could light up a room. Her faint freckles made her face even more beautiful, and she even had piercings and visible tattoo's that i could see, my god. I could'nt believe it was her, right in front of me.

"hi, how are you?" she asked. Her voice ran like music through my ears. Holy fuck.

Her arms began to open, so i opened mine, giving her a tight hug, i really did not want to let her go.

Another cliffhanger, them meeting will continue in next chapter. 💕

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