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1 week later.

- Abbey -

Its been a week already, one whole week. I still felt shitty and theres no doubt in my mind i will for awhile, at the same time i felt something i haven't felt in just over a year. I was happy. I felt bad for what i said to Kian, but i don't regret it. I hoped now he realised that actions can really affect someones entire existence. I prayed to god he would learn from this. I prayed to god the next girl he was with didn't experience the same thing, but i also prayed to god he would be happy, just like he used to make me happy, even way before i met him and was a lonely teenager watching his video's in my room thinking id never meet him. Boy back then i was wrong, because I'm a completely different person now.

In other news Kurt and i finally found an apartment in a high rise building right in the heart of Los Angeles city and the view was breathtaking, there wasn't one part of La you couldn't see, and the sunrises, don't even get me started. I felt so lucky. For once i didn't feel broken, i felt invincible.

Jc and i had been hanging out a lot, but we agreed i wouldn't go back to the apartment, at least not for awhile. He even helped us move into our new place. We've been on a ton of adventures in the past week I'm almost starting to think theres nothing left here for me to see, but I'm sure theres plenty more undiscovered places we will find. Jc and Kurt are my two best friends, i wouldn't have it any other way.

I was distracted by my own thoughts when my phone buzzed, picking it up i read the message.

Unknown Number - Abbey, its Kian. I know I've said it a thousand times but I'm sorry. Can we please talk civilly? i miss you.

I rolled my eyes and didn't reply. I didn't want to deal with this right now. I still needed time to patch up the empty holes he wounded me with.

- Kian -

One week of nothing. One week of silence, it was torture. I did this to her for a year and i could already not take it anymore. I don't know how she did it, i cant stay strong for much longer. How was i so numb about the whole thing until i saw her again? why did it take me almost two years to realise how much she actually meant to me, how much i truly loved her. She was the sunshine in the patch of darkness i sat in alone. How did i let that slip away? I was so mad at myself. This whole week I've done nothing but lay in my bed and stare at the ceiling, besides filming for KnJ, even then i hated pretending to be happy, it was hard. As much as she was hurting, she found a way to keep smiling. But i cant smile, not without her.


- Abbey -

It was around 9pm and Jc's friend Dom was having a party tonight. Id never met him but we've had a couple of twitter conversations and i have seen him in a ton of Jc's videos. Jc and Dom both invited me, Kurt happily declined and wanted to have a chill night at home. There was a possibility Kian would show, but i had Jc so my worries weren't sky high about it. Whatever.

We had just arrived at Dom's apartment and you could already hear the music blasting at the end of the hallway. Who knew what waited behind his front door. Jc and i both looked at each other and smiled before we walked down the hallway. We came to a stop at the front door and Jc held out his hand to turn the handle.

"wait" it came out like vomit, i put my hand over his.

Jc looked back at me.

"thank you" i said.

"for what?" he asked, confused.

"everything, being the best friend a friend could be" i smiled.

He turned to face me and pulled me into a hug that i didn't refuse.

"anytime abbs" he said, pulling away.

I took the liberty to open the door myself, i walked in as did Jc. It was full with a bunch of unfamiliar faces, red cups and loud music. Here goes nothing.


After we had walked in Jc and i walked around aimlessly talking to strangers for 15 minutes. Id re-met Andrea and she said she could still remember me from two years ago, she was so lovely. Jc and i both got a drink and went on a mission to find Dom. When we found him he was being rowdy with a group of guys.

"Jc wasssssup!?" Dom shouted.

"hey man" Jc laughed, then they both bro hugged.

Dom looked at me and tilted his head smiling, then opened up his arms.

"and this is the ever so famous Abbey" he stated, before pulling me into a hug. I didnt refuse.

"nice to finally meet you" i said pulling away.

Dom, Jc and myself stood outside chatting over the loud music for awhile. He was a chill guy, i hoped i could become good friends with him just like i was with Jc. Those two hang out alot and adventures with all three of us would be epic. I was snapped out of the conversation when i saw Kian stumbling around from the corner of my eye with a red cup in his hand. I drew my full attention to him and his eyes met mine making him stop dead in his tracks. Shit, i actually didn't think he would be here.

He started to stumble over, holding up a finger as he reached me.

"what are you doing here?" he slurred.

"ummmm" that was all i could manage to say before looking at Jc and Dom.

"i invited her man" Dom said.

"dude i think you've had enough" Jc warned, taking the red cup away from Kian.

Kian raised a brow and screwed up his face, then he placed his hand on Jc's shoulder to steady himself.

"shes really pretty" he struggled to get out, pointing to me.

"i think i need to take you home" Jc raised a brow.

"ill take him" i said without thinking.

I don't know why i offered to be honest, but i felt bad for Kian. That used to be me except i had nobody. I didn't want him to be alone, even though he left me alone, in the dark.

"are you sure?" Jc asked.

"yeah its fine, ive barely had a sip anyway" i handed my cup to Jc.

Jc placed both cups on a nearby table.

"you wanna take my car?" Jc offered.

"ill get an uber" i smiled.

Kian just kept looking between both of us as we spoke.

"are we going home baby?" Kian asked.

"im not your baby Kian, but yes im taking you home" i said as i pulled out my phone to order an uber. Once i ordered it i placed it back in my purse.

Kian linked arms with me and almost made both of us fall over, Jc had to escort us outside while we waited for the driver to arrive. Kian was currently blowing on my hair and laughing. I was not amused and Jc was confused.

"are you sure you'll be ok with him?" Jc asked, obviously concerned.

"i should be" i said. i actually had no idea what i was in for.

Our driver had arrived and Kian started clapping like a 5 year old child.

"yay i get to go home and see hazey!" he yelled while walking towards the back door of the car.

"call me if you need me, ill come straight home" Jc placed his hand on my arm.

"promise" i reassured him it would be ok.

Once i got in the uber i had to put Kian's seatbelt on before putting on my own. I apologised to the driver and retold him the address to clarify where we were going, then he started driving.

I was looking out the window until i felt Kian's head fall onto my shoulder. I looked down at him.

"are you ok?" i asked softly.

"i miss you" he whispered.

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