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- Abbey -

Today is my 25th birthday. Half way to 50, that's just great.

As for kian, well he already turned 25 a few months ago, oh, i forgot to mention what ever happened to us. Well here it goes. It took months and months for Kian to regain my trust. Alot of tears, conversations, begging and whining, Kian and i ended up back together. Things have only looked up from here since. Nothing bad has happened and im thankful my life is now on the path its suppose to be. Kian and i together, happy and in true love at last. Its pure bliss.

Don't get me wrong, i have always loved Kian, but after what he did to me i wasn't just going to forget about it. But the past is long gone and were as golden as can be. As for Kian, well alot has happened in the past few years, his success only kept growing and growing, and he is doing very well, im just glad to be able to support him with every last bone in my body. He is my rock, and he says im his.

I myself scored a major modelling career, unfortunate i travel quite often for work to shoot for big brands, but kian is always waiting for me at the airport when i get home with open arms, he's so supportive of what i do, just like i support him.

I sigh to myself, stretching my tired body as far across the bed as i can, noticing Kian was not beside me when i opened my eyes. I rubbed my eyes and slowly sat up leaning back on my hands and scanning the room. What could he possibly be up to? He better not of planned anything because i hate surprises. Idiot.

I laid back down on the bed, just as i was about to close my eyes once more, Kian's voice chimed through my ears.

"Wake up sleepy head" he said, as he crawled onto the bed and hovered over me.

"Five more minutes" i groaned, covering my face with my hands.

"But its your birthday, happy birthday princess" Kian removed my hands away from my face, kissing every inch of my face, besides my lips. As i busted out into a fit of giggles.

"Thank you" i let out, still laughing and locking my eyes with his. Soon enough his lips were on mine before i could say anything else, and by anything else i was going to tell him to let me go back to sleep, but his kisses were the best feeling in the world, i wasn't going to waste the moment.

I pulled my hands up to his face, putting both my hands on each of his cheeks, he smiled through our kiss before pulling away, which caused me to smile even wider then what he did. He sat up, grabbing my hands and pulling me up with him, he was straddling me at this point.

"What do you want to do today?" He asked, pushing away hair that had fallen onto my face, tucking it behind my ear.

"I just want to spend it with you, im getting old, i dont want to party" I sighed.

"Your not old baby, not to me anyway" He smiled.

"Mhmm" i mumbled.

"I wanted to do this later, but i cant wait any longer" He suddenly got up.

"Huh?" I was beyond confused, the fuck was he talking about? I raised a brow, my eyes narrowed.

Before i could say anything else, he bolted out of the room. Umm ok then, see you bye. I shook my head, but smiled to myself. He was a weirdo, but he was my weirdo. I groaned and got myself out of bed, stretching my arms out once more, turning my back to the door, picking up my shirt i had taken off last night. It got way to hot, so i just slept in a sports bra and underwear, but i was cold now. As i was about to put it on, i heard Kian clear his throat behind me. I rolled my eyes, putting on my shirt before i turned.

"Wha-" I turned halfway, only to see that Kian was not standing behind me, i looked down, and there he was, down on one knee, with a box in his hand, looking up at me with his beautiful brown eyes. I stood in shock, this couldn't be could it? Wait, what? Wtf no.

"Abbey...." He started. "My beautiful princess, My best friend, my partner in crime, i love you dearly, with all my heart" He paused and cleared his throat, looking down at the floor and back up to me. "We have been through the outskirts of hell and back, and probably worse, but you never failed to leave my side, even when i needed you the most. You are the most beautiful girl i have ever seen, and i am so damn lucky to get to call you mine, and to wake up to you every single day. I will promise to always be there for you, care for you, and love you with every inch of my heart until its not longer beating, but even after its stopped beating, it will always be yours and only yours. To the girl I promised would be my VIP.... will you marry me" He choked, opening the black box to reveal a beautiful diamond ring.

The whole world stopped, my throat was burning and my eyes stung, my stomach felt like it was going to explode. This is the last thing id expect from Kian, i mean he was romantic but we never talked about marriage, but i was hoping one day he would. My love, my Kian. Tears rolled down my cheeks as my hands went up to my mouth. I couldn't even speak, all i could do was nod.

A smile grew across Kian's face, and its unlike any other id ever seen, i swear his face must of hurt. He stood up pulling me into his arms, and mine automatically went around his neck as his were around my waist. He looked down at me, wiping away my tears.

I let out a laugh while crying, i was so happy. I never thought in a million years Kian and I would end up here, after all the shit we went through, and now i get to spend the rest of my life with my best friend. My bird. My Kian.

Kian let go of me, taking the ring out of the box and grabbing my left hand, sliding the beautiful ring onto my finger. He then leaned down to kiss me, picking me up as my legs wrapped around his waist. My lips moved with his, the electricity firing through my body, as it does every time he touches me. Today i was really dreading my birthday, but nothing could ever replace this, and no one could ever replace him.

I never knew how i got so lucky to accidentally fall into the hands of Kian Lawley, through a simple iMessage to the wrong number, but im glad i did.

I pulled away and looked at Kian, tears falling down my face once more. I saw the whole world in just his eyes, and that's all i ever needed. He was my home. He was my everything.

"Forever?" I sobbed, smiling through my tears.

"Forever Princess" He kissed my lips once more.

Omfg, I finally finished this book.
Sorry it took me forever, but id rather leave you with something then just a random chapter.

Thank you to everyone who ever read this book, im at 87K tysm guys 😭❤️
Holy shit.

Please comment or favourite this story if you would like me to write more stories about kian and abbey, or maybe even a second book? 😏 who knows what the future holds.

Please leave comments if you have any suggestions for future stories. Ill credit you. 💕

Until next time my loves.

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