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- Abbey -

All Kian and i did for the past 3 hours was cuddle... cuddle and tell each other stories from the past, some funny and some sad. Besides him packing up his stuff for the last half hour, ive been laying on the bed starring at the ceiling. Kian told me i could keep the clothes he gave me, so i had something left of him until we saw each other again, which im guessing wont be for a long time.

"done" i heard from the distance, snapping me from my thoughts.

I looked over and sat up just as Kian was zipping up his suitcase and i sighed. 10 minutes ago Jc walked in saying that they all had to be downstairs in 20 minutes and now i have 8 more left with just him.

Kian walked over and i stood up, almost immediatly i pulled him into a hug. I did not want to let go, not now, not ever. Kian rubbed my back and let his chin rest on the top of my head.

"ill try organize to come see you soon" i said, looking up at him.

"id like that" he kissed my forehead, removing his hands from my back they found there way to my arms before he let go completely.

"well i suppose i should go" i leant down to pick up my bag, putting it onto my shoulder.

"you dont want to be here to see us off?" he asked, raising a brow.

"i dont think its a good idea, with the fans around" i crossed my arms.

"i suppose" he pulled me in for another hug, and i did not refuse.

For the next 2 minutes, thats all we did until i pulled away. Grabbing his hand, i led him to the door then turned to face him.

"ill be seeing you soon babe" i half smiled, deep down i wanted to cry.

"soon couldnt come soon enough" his thumb ran over my hand.

I leaned in to kiss his cheek, letting my lips linger there.

"thank you, for everything" i whispered.

Pulling away i looked at him, opening the door. I let our hands keep contact until i was no longer in reach and all trace of Kian was gone. Then i walked, walked away with regret, folding my arms till i reached the elevator. I did not want to look back, but right before i stepped into the elevator i did, Kian was standing in the doorway with nothing but heartache on his face, i gave him a small smile before dissapearing and pressing the lobby button and the doors closed. Thats when it hit me, hard. The tears ran down sooner then they should have, i wiped them away before i made it to the ground floor. I crossed my arms and walked out of the elevator, looking up to see fans waiting in and outside of the building, some had recognized me and started whispering, others didnt notice at all. Once i had reached the doors, they opened, until i heard a voice making me stop.


I turned to see Kian running towards me, with fans wide eyed all around us, i looked around until he had reached me, then looked up at him.

"what are you doing!?" i whisper yelled.

"not caring" he said, then he smashed his lips onto mine, bringing his hands up and placing them both on either side of my face.

All around me i heard gasps and clicks from cameras, but in that moment i didnt care, my hands found there way to kians waist before we pulled away and wound up in a tight embrace.

"i left something for you in your bag" i heard him whisper.

"what?" i asked, looking up at him.

"just a surprise, dont open it until you get home" he rubbed my back and kissed me once more.

Until we pulled away, again, i bet these photos have already gone halfway around the world by now, but i wasnt going to let that stop me from saying goodbye how it should have gone.

"goodbye princess" Kian said softly, backing away with a smile, he didnt turn around until our hands no longer touched. Until every trace of us was gone.

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