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April 28th 2016 5:45pm

Abbey 🦄 - i hope you had a safe flight baby. 😘❤️

Kian ❤️ - i did princess, but im wrecked, i need to go to sleep, ill call you in the morning. 😘

Abbey 🦄 - ok baby, sleep well.

May 2nd 2016 3:04am

Kian ❤️ - im sorry princess, ive been so busy with tour prep. i miss you.

May 3rd 2016 10:02am

Abbey 🦄 - thats ok, call me when you can. ❤️

May 19th 2016 2:34pm

Kian ❤️ - im so so sorry ive been a wall, tour prep once again.

Abbey 🦄 - i understand babe, no need to explain. im still here.

June 27th 2016 9:07am

Kian ❤️ - the tour starts today, ill finally have some free time after the shows. 😊

Abbey 🦄 - yay. 😊 good luck today baby.

July 15th 2016 7:14pm

Abbey 🦄 - i hope the tours going well, ive seen all the photos on twitter. 😘

July 19th 2016 6:57am

Abbey 🦄 - i just had a nightmare and cant go back to sleep. 😔

August 1st 2016 4:01pm

Abbey 🦄 - Kian where are you???

August 9th 2016 1:34am

Abbey 🦄 - i miss you. 😔

August 17th 2016 4:24am

Abbey 🦄 - Kian i cant sleep anymore...

August 18th 2016 3:34pm

Abbey 🦄 - my heart aches, where are you???

September 2nd 2016 11:59pm

Abbey 🦄 - happy birthday Kian. i love you. ❤️

September 28th 2016 3:57am

Abbey 🦄 - Kian im numb.

Abbey 🦄 - please say something...

Abbey 🦄 - please?

Abbey 🦄 - 😔


- Abbey -

Its been almost two years. Kian hasnt spoken to me for one. One year of completely nothing. The last time i saw kian, he was driving away in an uber. When he first went back to La, he called me almost everyday, even if it was for 5 minutes. Then the tour was about to start, and Kian slowly drifted away. The calls, the texts, everything stopped. Somewhere along the way we lost everything that was once so magical. But i never stopped... never stopped trying, he did and i dont know why, i keep asking myself why. Eventually Kian and Jc came to Australia on there world tour, Jc and i had kept in contact and asked me to come, i declined. Even Jc had no idea what was going on, apprently Kian had told him it was fine, when infact everything fell apart long ago. I understand the reason he fell off the radar, the tour sure, that would have kept him busy, Youtube, sure that would keep him busy. Then came movies, bigger oppurtunities, i was proud of his sucess but wasnt proud of the fact he left me here alone. Kian led me to countless days without sleep. Kian led me to getting drunk for no reason to numb the pain. Kian led me into a dark corner i couldnt run from. Kian led me to nothing. Ocassionally his fans will run into me, my identity has still always remained a secret, but all they'd ask is what happened and where Kian was, id always have to make up some pathetic excuse to keep his privacy private, i was to nice not to. I wanted to scream everytime this happened but i cared to much to tell everyone how much of an asshole he really was. Im not the girl i once was, he broke me, he broke every part of me. All i had left were memories, a few photographs, a stuffed unicorn and a letter, i didnt have the strength to throw them away. I couldnt let go of what we had, as much as i hated him i just couldnt. Two years on and im not the same, i dont think i ever will be again. I will never understand how Kian Lawley was my everything and became nothing.

I got snapped out of my thoughts by Kurt shaking my shoulder, pulling an earphone out of my left ear i looked over to him.

"where about to land" he said, smiling.

I pulled my other earphone out and looked out the window. Kurt and i had become pretty close over the past couple of years, he was the only one who kept me standing on my feet, he helped me through everything. All these thoughts made me smile as i admired the view of the Los Angeles sunrise as we came in to land.

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