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- Abbey -

The whole car ride back to the hotel was silent, mind you it wasnt even 5 minutes away. Besides having Kian and Jc snapchat the fans while they were leaving, all i could hear was the faint distant laughing and small talk of mostly Andrea & Jamie. It was late and everyone was exhausted.

Kian gripped my hand as we were about to pull up to the apartments, i could already see fans outside waiting for everyone. I looked over to Kian, an instant smile grew on my face, i couldnt help it. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a room key holding it out to me.

"take this, i have a spare, once im done with the fans ill come up" i took the key slowly and nodded.

"sixth floor, room 3" he kissed my cheek quickly.

Before i could answer the bus stopped and i looked to my left, where girls were waiting impaitiently outside the door. Kurt was sitting oppisite to us and looked over at me.

"im just gunna head up, you can come with me" he offered.

"thanks" i smiled.

He stood up, as did i. Kian pulled back on my hand and i looked down at him.

"ill be there soon" he released my hand.

"ok" that was all i was able to say before Kurt dragged me to the door. We were the first one's to leave the bus, and i was instantly hit with girls screaming, Kurt pulled me into his side, trying to make his way through all the waiting girls. I hid my face with my hand as we slowly made our way through.

"wasn't that girl with Jc earlier?" i heard some girl whisper to her friend, i took my hand away from my eyes and looked back.

"who is that?" another girl asked.

I knew by now pictures have been taken from earlier and now and are probably somewhere on the internet. Fan girls work fast. Lets hope my name stays a mystery.

They were all suddenly distracted when the rest of the talent started coming off the bus, and turned there attention away from Kurt and i, which made it easier for us to get inside.

Once we were inside, security held back a handful of girls that were trying to get into the building, Kurt released me and i looked back to see a swarm of girls surrounding the rest of the talent that had exited the bus. Kian had popped his head up briefly and gave me an apoligetic smile before returning to the fans attention that was by his side. I get it, if none of this had happened and i wasnt here, id be outside, with the rest of them, hoping to see Kian just one more time before he left, which i was dreding.

Kurt distracted me from my thoughts and put his hand on my arm.

"hey, are you ok?" he gave my arm a light squeeze.

I looked over to Kurt and gave him a smile.

"yeah, im fine. just a little tired... thanks for helping me" i looked down to the ground.

"anytime, im moving to melbourne soon, we should hang out" he said, releasing my arm.

"definatly" i looked back up then started walking towards the elevator. "are you on the sixth floor too? lets ride together" i pushed the elevator button, waiting paitently for it to arrive.

40 minutes later

I had been pacing back and forth for 10 minutes now, and i have no idea why. Kurt had offered for me to stay with him until the boys came up but i knew he was tired and happily declined. I was more worried about the fact people who find out about who i was, i was worried for Kian. I had checked twitter and the pictures have surfaced, being retweeted and questioned by every girl and her dog. For me personally, i get it. I used to sit in my room and despise whoever Kian even spoke to, but now i was in that position.

I sat down on the bed and took a breath, everything will be ok i kept trying to tell myself. I laid down and pulled myself up to the top of the bed, laying my head down on the pillow and rolling onto my right side trying to get comfterble, i closed my eyes and thats all i remember.

- Kian -

I had been outside for over an hour, i was tired and in all honesty i think i was getting sick, ive only visited two cities so far but i think between the time difference and the shows, its taken it out of me. Countless girls kept questioning Jc and i about the girl from earlier, both of us played it off saying she was just someone helping us on tour, they were all spectical, but i wanted to keep it private, for her sake. I would tell the whole world how i felt about her if i could, but today wasnt the day for that.

I put the key in my door, after it beeped i opened it slowly, hoping Abbey was still here. All the lights were on but everything was silent.

"Abbey?" i questioned, closing the door behind me and walking down the short hallway which led to the living room, i looked to see the tv was on, as was the bedroom light.

I put down the room key on the counter and placed my bag on the floor before walking towards the bedroom, the door was closed halfway. I reached out and pushed it open, and there she was, asleep on the bed, it was one of the most peaceful sights id ever seen, and she was here, waiting... for me.

My princess.


Sorry guys, this chapter was just a filler.
I have a few good idea's coming up, let me know what you think so far?

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