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- Abbey -

I was pushed towards Kian Lawley, oh my lord. He had his back turned to me at this point, i was now smiling now like a complete idiot, cringe worthy. Even though his manager had pushed me, i didn't care at this point, thats when he turned around.

Wow, thats all i could say. This was Kian Lawley, in the flesh, he was perfect. He looked alot tanner in person and can we just talk about how amazing his tattoo's look in real life. I looked into his deep brown eyes, i could get lost in those eyes. Just kill me now, i'd die happy.

"hi, how are you?" i asked while opening my arms to give him a hug.

Kian opened his arms in return, his arms were quickly around me, and it felt amazing, i wouldn't trade this feeling for anything.

He pulled away, grabbing ahold of my arms in the process. "I'm good, how are you?" he smiled. That smile.

I turned to Jc, i asked how he was and proceeded to hug him also.

When i pulled away, i had no clue what to say and i was standing in the middle of both of them. I just thought about my photo, i was trying not to have a panic attack.

"Kian? can you hug me from the front? and Jc hug me from the back?" i looked from Kian to Jc.

Kian grabbed my arms pulling me towards him. "sure" he said looking over to Jc.

Jc looked confused at this point, so i was also looking at Jc.

"what are we doing?" Jc asked screwing up his face slightly.

"can you hug me from the back?" i gave him a slight smile.

Jc opened his arms and walked towards me, placing his arms underneath Kian's that were already wrapped around my waist.

"oh, so you want me to hump you from behind?" Jc asked, his voice was actually quite raspy and it was cute. I was flattered but having a heart attack that Kian was actually holding me right now. I laughed, and looked to Kian, who was giving Jc a glare. I returned my gaze to the camera and so did Kian and the chaperone took our photo, Jc was to busy talking to even look at the camera.

( picture's above 😊 )

When we pulled away, Jc moved slightly to the left and was about to say something but i looked to kian who was tugging at the shoulders of his shirt.

"can i please get a separate photo with you?" i had always thought about this god damn photo, so i had to ask.

He just smiled, looking into my eyes. he walked towards me. "yeah sure" he said.

"a hugging one?" man, i must be annoying, poor Kian.

Kian wrapped his arms around my waist almost immediately, i must be dreaming, honestly. I smiled, wrapping my arms around his waist and looking towards the camera. Kian snuggled into me, with his eyes closed and a smile on his face. Before i knew it my chaperone told me it was time to move on. I was shattered.

I looked up at Kian and he looked down at me smiling.

"it was so nice to meet you" i said gripping his forearms. "thank you" i released his arms slowly, not wanting to let go.

"it was nice to finally meet you too" he said.

Huh? i thought. I turned to Jc and gave him a hug, thanking him and telling him it was nice to meet him too. He smiled and complimented my hair, and told me to have a good day.

That was the best 30 seconds of my life i thought to myself walking towards Andrea.

- Kian -

What the hell just happened? Why didn't i stop her? Why didn't i say anything? I had to think of a plan, and fast. I needed to spend time with her, i needed to tell her the truth.

And damn Jc for asking if she wanted him to hump her, the fucking douche.


20 minutes later

I was still in the meet and greet meeting the fans but had a spare second, i took out my phone and sent a text to Abbey without even thinking.

Rob 👽 - you are so beautiful. 😍 i knew it.

Here goes nothing i thought, i put my phone in my pocket. Looking up i saw another fan come up to Jc and i, i smiled giving her a hug. Now we play the waiting game.


Yay, they finally met. 😍 what do you guys think of the book so far? 💕

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