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- Abbey -

I had just kissed Jc Caylen. Before you say anything, it was for a photoshoot. Turns out i got re contacted by the same modelling company as Jc requested i be his "leading lady" for the photo's. He said he didn't want to make a girl he didn't know uncomfterble in front of the camera. Sweet kid. We planned not to tell Kian just yet.

The kiss itself, well... it wasn't unpleasant but i defiantly didn't feel a thing. Jc has good lips, but were to close of friends. It was for some new cologne that was being released next month, the only downfall is it would be released in magazines and shown on billboards all around the world. That made me the slightest bit worried that Kian would not only be upset at me, but also his best friend. The thought of Kian angry at both of us had come up in conversation alot over the past few days but then again if Kian were a good friend and cared about both of us, he would understand. We weren't there yet though, only time could tell and our brains hurt just thinking about it.

Whoever thought when i had first met the boys i'd be here now? its been a mixed up mess of emotions, joy, love and new adventures. As much trouble as half of this has caused me, i wouldn't change a thing. Im happy Kurt had asked me to move here with him, even though i hardly get to see him these days with all his social media commitments, im glad i got to call him my best friend and that included Kian and Jc to.

It seems as if everything was starting to fall into place. I was waiting for something to come along and ruin it, i was soaking up as much of the happiness as i could. It wasn't long before something was going to go wrong, i could feel it in my bones. I pray to god it doesn't.

My thoughts were interrupted by Jc, while i was standing outside of the studio leaning against the wall waiting for him.

"ready to go?" Jc asked.

My head snapped to his direction.

"sure am" i smiled.

We both started walking towards his car.

"thanks for helping me out today abs" he spoke as he unlocked his car.

"no problem, i had fun" i walked towards the passenger door and climbed in.

Jc did the same and started up the car. We both put our seat belts on and we were off.

"what do you wanna do now?" he asked, looking at me before making a turn, turning his attention back to the road.

"i don't mind, we can hang out or i can go home" i answered.

"you hungry?" he asked, stopping at a red light.

"starving" i replied, i realised i hadn't eaten all day. I had woken up at 7am and it was now almost 4pm.

"me too" he simply replied, turning some music on before the light went green.

My phone chimed in my purse, i leaned down to the floor where my purse was to pull it put of my bag. It was Kian.

Kian 🌙 - hey princess, what are you up too?

I mentally rolled my eyes.

Abbey ✨ - you really need to stop calling me that and I'm with Jc, were going to go get some food. you?

Kian 🌙 - last time i checked I'm free to say what i want and I'm bored. 😔

Abbey ✨ - don't get used to it and that sucks kiddo.

Kian 🌙 - don't call me that.

Abbey ✨ - last time i checked I'm free to say what i want. 😜

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