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2 Days Later

- Abbey -

I was sitting on my bed, stairing at my suitcase, i had been for the past 10 minutes. The realisation i'd be flying home in 5 days hit me, and it hit me hard. The reason i'd come to LA in the first place was to escape, i needed a well deserved break from my life back home in australia, melbourne to be exact. I'd worked my ass off for months to get here, and i have had the best time, going on new adventures & making new friends, which included rob, even though i hadn't even met him. Which reminds me, he hasn't spoken to me in 2 days, like did you literally die, what the hell? i picked up my phone and sent him a message, ive sent him quite a few actually, but they've all gone unanswered.

Abbey 🦄 - hi stranger, have you litterally died?

Abbey 🦄 - it's been 2 days

Abbey 🦄 - have i dont something wrong? even worse, has my kian obsession scared you away? 😱

2 hours later

- Kian -

Lifting a heavy box, i carried it up the stairs and set it down in my room, finally the last fucking box. sighing, I fell down onto my blow up matress. jc and i had to move house because our lease was up, so we moved to a new apartment closer to the city of LA. I wiped my forehead and closed my eyes for a brief second, before reaching for my phone the was lost through the pile of clothes on my bed i havent put away yet. When i found it i clicked the home button noticing i had a shit ton of texts from various people, 3 of them being from abbey. I sat up quickly, the poor girl, i hadn't text her in 2 days, not because i didn't want to, moving has worn me out.

Rob 👽 - hi stranger, sorry i've been moving house, its been hectic. how are you??

laying back down i saw the 3 grey dots moving at the bottom of the screen and smiled to myself.

Abbey 🦄 - im good now that i know your not dead.

Rob 👽 - im exhausted, but no where near dead.

Abbey 🦄 - i go home in 5 days. 😔 i kinda don't want to leave, the palm tree's are so pretty.

Rob 👽 - you leave in 5 days and all your worried about are the damn palm tree's? 😂

Abbey 🦄 - lol no, im just going to miss this place.

Rob 👽 - why don't you just move here?

Rob 👽 - we can be best friends 4 lyf.

Abbey 🦄 - are you sure you don't have a vagina?

Abbey 🦄 - i wish i could, but its complicated, and visa's and shit are a pain in the ass also.

Rob 👽 - no vaginas here. there has to be some way you can, surely.

Abbey 🦄 - its a sad sad day.

Rob 👽 - please promise me we'll meet before you go? at least once.

Abbey 🦄 - i dont even know what you look like still.... haha.

Rob 👽 - ok, ok. i'll show you.

Rob 👽 - you ready?

Abbey 🦄 - shoot. 😊

Rob 👽 - *inserts image*

Abbey 🦄 - lol, very funny

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Abbey 🦄 - lol, very funny.

Rob 👽 - hey, i tried.

Rob 👽 - your turn.

Abbey 🦄 - that's no fair.

Rob 👽 - please?

Abbey 🦄 - *inserts image*

Rob 👽 - holy fucking shit

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Rob 👽 - holy fucking shit.

Abbey 🦄 - told you i was ugly.

Rob 👽 - um, no.

Rob 👽 - 😍😍😍

Rob 👽 - and trust me, kian would definatly like you.

Abbey 🦄 - how would you know?

Rob 👽 - trust me...

Abbey 🦄 - your an idiot.

Rob 👽 - no, im just honest.

Abbey 🦄 - MOVING ON.

Rob 👽 - so when are we meeting?

Abbey 🦄 - you really want to?

Rob 👽 - yes, yes i do.

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