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- Kian -

It had been a week. One whole week since Abbey and i kissed. I haven't spoken about it since, nor has she. It's like it never happened, and we continued our lives as normal, hanging out as "friends", but my god let me tell you, it's all I've thought about since it happened almost seven days ago, and it's been seven days of torture. My heart wont let her go, and here i was thinking i could never actually love something as much as i love her.

As for our video, well the fans were more then excited that Abbey was still in our lives, or should i say back... but of course they didn't know. If it wasn't for Jc, i wouldn't have her now, she only stuck around because he was her rock when she was at her worst, that should have been me, but then again i was the one who caused her pain in the first place. I owe Jc the world for keeping her close, or she wouldn't be here today. I don't only owe him the world, i owe him my life, that's how much i love her.

It was currently just past eleven in the morning, and me being the lazy ass i am, i was still in bed, scrolling through all my social media. I clicked into Instagram and scrolled through my feed, liking photo's as i scrolled through. Until i saw her... Abbey posted a photo one hour ago, wait what!? she dyed her hair pink? i almost choked on my own breath, she was beautiful, don't get me wrong, but holy fuck, i love girls with coloured hair. I immediately liked it. My thumb tapped it before i even realised.

( Credit ; @xoabbeeyrae // Instagram )

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( Credit ; @xoabbeeyrae // Instagram )

Not long after that, i found myself in my text message app, sending her a message.

Lawley 🔫 - You dyed your hair? when did this happen? why was i not notified? 😫

I lay my phone down on my chest, and looked up at my ceiling, but i wasn't expecting a reply so quickly, when i heard my phone go off i picked it up, seeing abbey had replied.

Abbey 🦄 - I wasn't aware that i had to notify you when i changed my hair colour. 😒 #sorrynotsorry

Lawley 🔫 - Hey now, that's a bit rude.

Abbey 🦄 - You're the one demanding answers here...

I mentally rolled my eyes, and scrunched up my face, i hated when she was right. Psht. I let out a sigh before replying.

Lawley 🔫 - Well... yeah you're right. My bad. Looks good though. 👌🏻

Abbey 🦄 - Thanks. 😊😜

Lawley 🔫 - I'm bored. 😫

Abbey 🦄 - Go cause havoc somewhere, you're good at it. 💯

Lawley 🔫 - If you be Bonnie, i'll be Clyde and we can cause havoc together...

Abbey 🦄 - I'm to nice to own a gun.

Lawley 🔫 - You're to nice for you're own good missy... in general.

Abbey 🦄 - Doesn't kill to be kind

Abbey 🦄 - How do you think i gave you another chance?

Lawley 🔫 - Because you love me. 😊

Abbey 🦄 - Well that's half true, but no.

Lawley 🔫 - Im not even going to pull at the thread, moving on.

Abbey 🦄 - Wise choice.

Lawley 🔫 - Come over? please? i beg you... i miss your face.

Abbey 🦄 - No.

Lawley 🔫 - What? why?

Abbey 🦄 - Im going on a date, I'm sorry.

My heart almost sank, was she serious. No, no she couldn't be. She wouldn't hurt me like that, would she? Maybe this was her way to get back at me, for all the pain i caused, or maybe this was my karma for being such a dick in the past. She was MY Girl, no one else's.

Lawley 🔫 - Are you serious? 😪


Abbey 🦄 - No, I'm not serious. I'll be there soon. 😊😘

Lawley 🔫 - You almost gave me a heart attack...

Abbey 🦄 - Please don't die. 💔

Lawley 🔫 - Not until i spend a lifetime making you happy, not until i spend a lifetime loving you.

Abbey 🦄 - We ain't even dating and you turn our life into a Nicholas sparks novel... 👋🏻

Lawley 🔫 - If you're a bird, I'm a bird. ❤️


Hello Loves,
I thought i'd give you guys two updates this week to make up for lost time.

Note; This will be my LAST update this week.

I've had a lot going on recently and i appreciate you guys being patient, it means the world to me.

I've also noticed certain people have been stealing my original idea's and taking credit for it, all the things in this book came from my own thoughts and feelings, so i have been trying to deal with that on the side aswell.

This book is no where near finished and i hope to start getting back into the swing of things soon.

I love you all!
- xoxo.

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