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- Kian -

Abbey cried last night, i hugged her until all her tears were gone, until she fell asleep. That's all i could do, was just be there to try and make it ok. Leaving her was going to be hard, i know i lied about who i was but now i wish i hadn't, now i wondered how much more different things would have been if i had just told her from the start, then i wouldn't have to leave her so soon. I wondered what it would have been like if she had met me that day on the pier, like i had planned before i got swarmed by fans, instead of all the way here in australia at an event she had to pay for, maybe it wasnt our time to meet then, but i keep asking myself why the right time was now. I didn't just want to be here now, in this moment to comfort her, i wanted to be there always, through everything. Im just hoping one day, i can be, for good.

I barely slept at all last night, i was way more then exhausted, but it was all worth it. I looked down at Abbey who was still sound asleep in my arms, snuggled into me like i was a giant teddy bear, her breathing was slow and steady. I glanced over at the clock and saw it was 7:03am, my flight left in 8 hours. I sighed and leaned down, kissing her forhead, then moving a piece of stray hair that had fallen on her face. I slowly sat up pulling her arms away and placing then down lightly, trying not to wake her.

I stretched my arms and stood up, i wanted to leave her something. Something she could hold onto. I stood up and walked towards the desk in the living room, the pen and paper displayed on the glass desk calling my name, a letter to her, for her... to keep forever. I know id see her again, i know i can text and call her anytime of anyday, but paper was more valuable then technology.

3 hours later

- Abbey -

I rolled on my side, stretching my arms in the process, my arm hitting a chest on the way down. I turned my head to see Kian looking at me smiling. I wish i could wake up to this everyday.

"good morning" he whispered, sitting up and kissing my forehead.

"what time is it?" i asked, rubbing my eyes.

"just past 10" he replied, pulling me into him.

I looked up and gave him a warm smile. Placing both my hands on his chest, letting one of my fingers draw circles on his skin.

"look, about last night... im sorry for crying, i guess i just didnt realise how close we got, and how much you mean to me" my warm smile had faded into a half smile, then i sighed.

"hey" he hugged me tighter. "dont be sorry, its ok" he reassured me.

"happy thoughts" i barely let out a laugh, but i wanted to lighten the mood.

"just promise me to always smile, then we'll both be happy" Kian said.

I hit his chest playfully, then a real laugh escaped my throat.

"your so chessy" i teased.

"hey, i got you to smile right?" he questioned, smiling himself.

"i still dont get why you chose me" i said, looking into his eyes.

"i didnt chose you Abbey, it just happened, unexpectidly. like fate, thats how i see it" he shrugged a shoulder. "why question it? why not just enjoy it?" he asked.

"i dont have any regrets, i just dont get it" i looked forward, at my hands still on his chest.

"neither of us have to get it Abbey, just let it be" he rubbed my back.

"i have no problem doing that" i smiled, leaning up i kissed his cheek before fully sitting upright, i leaned back on my hands, looking forward.

"how much time do we have left?" i asked, looking back.

"if your not including leaving for the airport 2 hours before the flight leaves, then we have 3" he placed one of his hands over mine.

"then lets make the most of what time we do have left" i bit down on my lower lip.

"i have a few ideas" Kian smirked, sitting up suddenly, he pulled me onto his lap so i could straddle him. He placed two hands on both of my cheeks bringing my lips to his. If only his kisses could last a lifetime.

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