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- Abbey -

"Hey guys, whats up, it's Kian" Kian saluted to the camera as Jc ran into the frame kicking one leg into the air in the process and almost knocking Kian over.

"And Jc düd" Jc yelled as he pulled a funny face, causing both of them to break out into a fit of laughter.

"So we asked you guys to ask us questions..." Kian started.

"Using the hashtag ask KnJ" Jc added in.

"Wait who's reading the questions?" Kian asked.

"Me, on my handy dandy phone" Jc pulled out his iphone and showed it to the camera.

Kian just obnoxiously rolled his eyes, which caused me to silently laugh. Meanwhile Jc spoke up "I'll have all the questions displayed on the screen, so lesss go"

"When are ya'll gunna go back on tour?" Jc said, looking at the camera.

"Maybe soon" Kian smirked. "But its a secret" He added in putting a finger to his lips.

"What he said" Jc added in.

Both Kian and Jc answered a few more questions, while i pretty much zoned out because they were goofing around.

"What happened to and with Abbey?" I heard ring through my ears, making me snap out of my trance, and almost instantly Kian was looking away from the camera and at me.

"Well..." Jc started. "There's something we have to tell you guys" He continued, At that moment Kian was signalling for me to come over with his left hand that was out of the camera's view.

I stood up and walked over, standing behind the camera, i presume i had to play along, but i already pictured how i would make my appearance in the video.

"Abbey is..." Jc said. "She um..." Kian added in.

I quickly ran around and got inbetween both of the guys. "SURPRISE!" i yelled, smiling widely and putting both my arms over there shoulders.

"She's alive, and were all still friends, for everyone who has been asking" Kian said. I agreed by nodding my head. Kian lifted his hand, putting it on my head and messing up my hair, while Jc started laughing at the glaring eyes i gave Kian.

"Rude" i simply stated, pulling my arms up to fix my hair and placing them back on the boys shoulders.

The boys continued with the questions, i lifted my arm off Kian's shoulder, while he was reading a question and not looking i licked my finger and placed it in his ear. Kian jumped and wiped his ear, Jc grabbed my waist and pulled me into him as we both laughed.

"Ew" Kian yelled. "You better run" He continued. I rolled my eyes then heard the squeak of his chair, i then realised he had stood up. That's when i took a run for it.

I hid around the corner for a couple of minutes, while i listened to the boys continue there video, thats until i found an airhorn and a grin suddenly took up the whole half of the bottom of my face. So without thinking i grabbed it. I snuck up behind the boys, out of camera's view, they were to into reading and answering questions to notice. And with that, i pressed down, making the noise blast through the room. Jc stood up almost immediately, while Kian jumped in his chair, then covered his ears, until both there eyes landed on me.

"Seriously?" Kian yelled.

I ran up to the camera and laughed quickly, then ran away. Not even a minute later, i guess the boys decided to wrap up the video. I, myself, hid in Kian's closet, i did not want to deal with the payback right now. No way. I would stay here in the closet until i died if i had to.

But that didn't last to long when i saw the door open and Kian towering over me.

"I found you" He grabbed my waist and pulled me out, and started tickling me, causing me to scream, we ended up on his bed, after he had tackled me into the mattress.

"Kian" I yelled, in a fit of laughter and out of breath, trying to push away his hands that were glued to tickling my waist. "Please stop" i asked.

"Hmm i dont know" He grinned.

I had somehow managed to wiggle enough, that in sync we fell onto the floor, him falling on top of me and almost crushing me. But we both ended up in a fit of laughter, and his fingers had stopped attacking me with tickles.

Kian's eyes were locked on mine, his look was one thing i never forgot. He lifted a hand, wiping away some stray hair that had gotten into my eyes and our laughter had somehow vanished, but we were both still smiling. We lay there, eyes locked for seconds, minutes, i lost count. All i know is that i missed this, alot.

Kian started to inch down towards my face, which only meant one thing. All this time, it'd been forever since i was about to feel what i missed the most, but he was the only person who ever made me truly feel alive.

It all hit me at once, like a bus, or a car, train or death. His lips gently hovered over mine, before he went full in with all the force he could, like he was feeling the exact emotions i had. That's when my stomach knotted up, and he was the only one who ever made me feel that way.

I automatically lifted my hands, placing them on the back of his head, letting my fingers get tangled in his hair. Here we were, laying on the floor, making out in pure bliss. Happiness was what i felt, the whole world stopped, and in this moment, it was just him and me.

This was all i wanted.

For the rest of my life.

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