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- Abbey -

@kianlawley started following you!

I looked at my lock screen and almost fucking died, then i clicked the side button on and off again 3 times to see the notification was real. Kian lawley just started following me on twitter!? um what!? well, i mean he follows alot of people but still, me, no way, no way this was real. I logged onto twitter to confirm and there it was, it was real. Then another one came through.

@kianlawley liked your tweet!

I almost fell off my bed at this point.

@abbbbs @kianlawley i cant wait to meet you tomorrow. 😘😘



Abbey 🦄 - im dijfoem

Abbey 🦄 - dying djskwjs

- Kian -

Arriving in Melbourne at around 2pm, i was beyond excited, not only that Abbey is here, and i finally get to meet her. I hadnt had a chance to text her all day, because of travelling and i didnt have a spare second to breathe. Jc and i had just finished up a interview for a youtube / radio segment, Jc had to get a kangaroo tattoo, it was hilarious. During the interview, i tried to text her. Jc opened his big mouth saying it was a girl while we were live, which had the host's asking questions and fans blowing up my twitter. Thanks Jc, i appreciate it.

After getting to the hotel, and of course getting pictures with fans, it was finally time to relax. Doing so i jumped on twitter and liked some fan photo's from earlier today, then came up with the bright idea to follow Abbey, i wanted to make her happy and at this point it was the only way i knew how. I wanted to tell her who i was so badly, but i wanted to do it in person, tomorrow. Almost immediately after i had followed her she texted me. Smiling to myself i opened it.


Abbey 🦄 - im dijfoem

Abbey 🦄 - dying djskwjs

Rob 👽 - what happened? use your words.

Abbey 🦄 - kian fucking lawley followed me on twitter.

Rob 👽 - awww, see he finally seen you. i told you. 😊

Abbey 🦄 - best day ever, actually no, tomorrow will be.

Rob 👽 - just remember, dont freak out.

Abbey 🦄 - i may be a major fangirl, but i dont want to scare the poor kid away jesus.

Rob 👽 - promise me?

Abbey 🦄 - promise. 😊

Rob 👽 - good i cant wait to hear all about it.


- Abbey -

I just found the video Kian & Jc filmed earlier today in Melbourne, when they did a tattoo roulette thing. Jc lost, poor kid, but his new kangaroo tattoo was so cute. Right before they cut and said goodbye Jc said Kian couldn't stop texting some girl, dammit, lucky bitch.

Abbey 🦄 - kian has been texting some girl, fml. my chances are ruined.

Rob 👽 - what? 😂

Abbey 🦄 - him and jc did some interview thing today and thats what jc said.

Rob 👽 - he could have been joking?

Abbey 🦄 - true, but still...

Rob 👽 - there are plenty of fish in the sea kiddo.

Abbey 🦄 - its not just that, kian saved me from a dark place. i mean i know i dont know him on a personal level, but he saved me.

Rob 👽 - aw, what happened?

Abbey 🦄 - my life was a mess, one day i discovered kian and he made me smile again. no one understands how much he means to me. i mean yeah, its stupid to be so obsessed with someone i dont even know, but he has no idea how much he's helped me through my struggles, and that whenever i needed to smile, just one look at his face and mine lit up like a christmas tree. he made me forget about all the bad, well most of the time.

Rob 👽 - oh wow, i bet if you told him that he'd be really touched.

Abbey 🦄 - if i have time, its tomorrow, im dying.

Rob 👽 - i told you not to die haha.

Abbey 🦄 - i wont, i swear. maybe just a little bit, deep down inside.

Rob 👽 - keep it that way babe. haha.

Abbey 🦄 - 13 fucking hours. 😍❤️

Rob 👽 - well on that note, shouldnt you be going to bed? you have a big day tomorrow, as do i.

Abbey 🦄 - what are you doing?

Rob 👽 - more youtube shit, ive been so tired lately.

Abbey 🦄 - please tell me your channel...

Abbey 🦄 - please please please.

Rob 👽 - no, now GO TO BED.

Abbey 🦄 - jesus, at least i tried. just promise me one day, when your youtube famous and go to amplify ill be your vip.

Rob 👽 - haha, ok. i promise.

Abbey 🦄 - 😊 yay. goodnight rob. ❤️

Rob 👽 - goodnight abbey. 😘

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