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- Abbey -

Rob and i had been texting for just over 2 weeks now, we have grown quite close in that time, even though he can be a major pain in my ass, just like he is right now.


*buzz buzz*

i groan in anger, being disturbed from my sleep. i pick up my phone, the light blinding my sleepy eyes, i closed them and let them adjust after blinking rapidly for a few seconds, when my eyes had adjusted i looked at the screen.

7 New Messages

Rob 👽 - abs, im bored. wake up.

Rob 👽 - you're beautiful, yknow?

Rob 👽 - actually, thats irrelevant, i don't even know what you look like.


Rob 👽 - abbey.....

Rob 👽 - YO ABS

Rob 👽 - fuck this is useless, you terd.

i rolled my eyes, seriously? i thought to myself.

Abbey 🦄 - seriously bitch, what the fuck could you possibly want? its almost 4:30am. you better be dying or something.

Rob 👽 - nah babe, im just bored.

Rob 👽 - hi. 😊

Abbey 🦄 - you seriously disturbed my sleep because your bored? smh, i will NOT forgive you for this.

Rob 👽 - yes you will, you love me. 😘

Abbey 🦄 - HA! keep dreaming asshole.

Rob 👽 - oh shut up you.

Abbey 🦄 - ok, gtg.

Rob 👽 - NO! i was joking!

Rob 👽 - abbey...


Rob 👽 - i didn't mean it, love me....

Rob 👽 - love me, love me, say that you love me...

Rob 👽 - lol, justin bieber throwback.

Rob 👽 - UGH FINE.

Abbey 🦄 - don't have a bitch fit, i was stalking kian on twitter. sorry not sorry.

Rob 👽 - i seriously dont know what you see in him, i mean like...

Abbey 🦄 - i'm not having this arguement with you right now, don't even go there.

Rob 👽 - i bet he'd love you anyway.

Abbey 🦄 - lol, your hilarious.

Rob 👽 - i'm serious, why would'nt he?

Abbey 🦄 - why the fuck would he? as far as im concerned im just another fan he'll never know. besides, have you seen half the girls he meets? there fucking gorgeous.

Rob 👽 - i bet you are too...

Abbey 🦄 - trust me, i aint.

Rob 👽 - proove it.

Abbey 🦄 - one day, not today. besides, i don't know what you look like either.

Rob 👽 - true, you will one day, i promise.

Abbey 🦄 - meh.

Rob 👽 - we should meet up, before you go home. i bet your accent is so cute.

Abbey 🦄 - ew, you could still be a pedo. i don't know this.

Rob 👽 - i promise, i'm not. you might be quite surprised actually.

Abbey 🦄 - surprised at what?

Rob 👽- oh, nothing. 😊

Abbey 🦄 - uh... ok? lol.

Abbey 🦄 - my eyes are failing me, im dying.

Rob 👽 - i feel bad for waking you up for no reason, go back to sleep cutie.

Abbey 🦄 - lol, don't call me that.

Rob 👽 - soz fam.

Rob 👽 - goodnight abs. 😊

Abbey 🦄 - goodnight robbieeeeeee. 😘

Rob 👽 - lol, don't call me that.

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