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5 Days Later

- Abbey -

The past five days have been full of adventures and laughter, i couldn't be more happier, it feels as if everything has finally fallen into the right place. Kian and i have been getting along quite well, this whole friends thing hasn't gone bad... at least not yet. But ill deal with that when and if that comes.

I met one of kurt's promoters three days ago, he offered to feature me in some lingerie photoshoot, he assured there'd be no funny business, I've never modelled before but i thought why the hell not? The photoshoot was yesterday and i was waiting on the photo's to be emailed to me. I wasn't sure what they were using the images for, nor did i care. It was a good day and i got paid big bucks for it.

( Picture Above : 😊 credit to @xoabbeeyrae on instagram 😘 )

I was currently at Kian and Jc's place. Jc was editing Fridays video and Kian was playing with hazel on the floor. It was low-key cute and i had to try not smile every time i looked at both of them. Tonight we ordered in and watched movies, Kurt was always out and i hated being alone, so this was technically my temporary home. I didn't mind. Then my phone chimed, i picked it up and looked at it, it was the email with the photo's, i squealed and opened it, both Kian and Jc giving me weird looks.

"what just happened?" Kian asked, his face scrunched up

"probably an online shoe sale or something" Jc shrugged, going back to editing.

"no" i glared. "it's my pictures from my photoshoot" i smiled proudly.

"i wanna see" Kian said, getting up and racing to the couch to sit next to me.

I shook my head and opened the email, it read :

"Dear Abbey Rae,

It was a pleasure working with you this week, please find the attached material below. We had to edit them quickly as this ad will be featured in next month's Cosmopolitan Magazine. In that case I've attached a waver for you to sign to give us permission to do so, please get that back to us asap, you can either forward it back to us or drop it in at the office.

We would love to work with you again and have kept your details on file, we will contact you if anything else comes up that we think your suitable for.

In the meantime, thank you again and i hope we can work together again soon.

David Blake. ( made up name ) "

I almost screamed, what the hell was going on!? i was quick to open the attached files to look at the photos. Halfway through i looked to Kian, his mouth was wide open.

"what?" i asked raising a brow.

"do they look bad?" i got nervous.

"wow" he choked out.

"there far from bad" he continued.

- Kian -

Her photo's were breathtaking. She was so beautiful. She was also made to play the whole sex subject thing at the same time but there was literally nothing this girl couldn't do. I will admit i was jealous, this may even be a one time thing but she was no longer just Abbey, she was going to be in a magazine read by alot of people. I know Jc and i are alot better off with all we have achieved but i was so proud of her, i was proud of my princess, she will always be my princess. I just don't know how i feel about the lingerie portion, but god it suited her, i needed to stop thinking about it and fast.

"lets go get some ice cream" i said, not thinking.

Abbey looked at me confused.

"to celebrate" i added in.

Both Abbey and i looked to Jc and waited for a response.

"you guys go ahead, i want to get this done" he didn't even look at us, his eyes were both glued to the screen.

"ok" abbey and i said at the same time and we both stood up.

Abbey walked in front of me and lent down to grab her purse which was by the front door while i took my keys off the kitchen table, then i slipped on a pair of vans while Abbey had already opened the door and walked out, holding it open for me.

Once we both walked out the door we headed towards the elevator. Once we were in we went down to the garage and to my car in a comfortable silence. When we reached the car, i jogged over to the passenger side and opened the door for her, she looked at me confused and walked over.

"my lady" i gestured my hand towards the seat waiting for her to get in.

She shook her head and giggled getting in.

"thank you" she said softly before i closed the door.

I jogged over to the drivers side and climbed in. It was around 8pm now. I turned on the car and put on my seatbelt before we exited the parking garage.


- Abbey -

Kian and i had ended up in santa monica, now we were eating ice cream on the beach. It wasn't cold and it wasn't hot, the weather was perfect. The crashing waves making perfect comfort in between everything else.

"im so proud of you Abbey" kian said beside me.

I turned to him confused.

"what?" i asked.

"with everything you've been through, now your on top of the world. your happy, im proud of you" he said, smiling slightly.

"ill always be proud of you" he whispered. rubbing the back of his neck then looking away, embarrassed.

I almost died, that was so cute. Kian had his cute moments, but moments like this were rare, they still continue to melt my heart even though he's no longer my everything, deep down he always will be.

"thanks Kian" i looked towards the water and smiled to myself.

"i hope im always around to continue to see you smile" he put his hand on my right cheek making me look at him, he smiled and moved a piece of my fallen hair behind my ear.

"lets hope" i choked out, i still couldn't trust him, but i was starting to.

"maybe now this means you can finally move to La, maybe modelling was what you were meant to do" Kian stated, confident.

"id love to move here, i always have. who knows" i shrugged.

"no matter what, best friends forever" he practically asked, holding up a pinky.

I hesitated, but my pinky soon wrapped around his.

"best friends forever" i smiled.


Short chapter guys, i apologise. But i wanted to post something for you.

My ideas are running thin, so i've been trying to take more time to come up with some material. I hope your enjoying the story though. Don't forget to keep commenting & voting.

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