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- Abbey -

We had decided on a Jim Carrey marathon. He was Kian's favourite. Low key he was mine aswell. We had already watched Bruce Almighty and Yes Man and i had already eaten an entire bag of popcorn. Typical movie night. Hazel was curled up in between both of us on the couch, her head on my lap and a blanket covering all three of us. Jc was out somewhere with Dom, so god knows what crazy things they were up to.

At one point the house was silent, until a large crack of thunder filled the house, the light blinding through the windows. It made me jump and turn my attention to the rain that had started falling. I wasn't scared of storms, but i wasn't expecting it. Im just glad i didn't scream or Kian would have been a smartass about it. I looked down to Hazel who was looking up at me with love in her eyes, if Kian wasn't so attached to her id steal her in a heart beat, i loved this dog. I took my hand and placed it on her head to pat her, she closed her eyes, laying her head back down on my leg.


The sun was shining down on Kian and i as we watched the clouds slowly drift through the sunny California sky. The birds were happily chirping away and flying above our heads without a care in the world.

Kian and i were laying on top of a blanket, surrounded with our belongings, our legs tangled up together and Kian's arm was layed comfortably underneath me. I was smiling, i was happy, i was content. I felt unbreakable, i felt free.

I looked to Kian who's gaze caught mine as soon as mine caught his. His beautiful pools of caramel and brown eyes starring into my blue ones. It was perfect. This was bliss.

I sat up, stretching out my body and letting my arms fall down by my side's. I felt arms pulling me to the left, Kian had sat up and pulled me onto his lap making me face him, nothing but a beautiful smile consumed his face as he looked up at me with pure love. I placed both my hands on the back of his neck, his hands resting on my waist.

"i love you" Kian whispered.

"i love you too" i replied in a whisper as a smile grew on my lips.

Kian leant forward, his lips moulding into mine like they were made for me. In this moment id gladly stay for the rest of my life.

In this moment with Kian Lawley.


I shot up and looked around, being greeted by a familiar room and the one person i had just dreamed about, Kian. He had a very confused look on his face, his left side of his lip was slightly raised up and his arm was on my shoulder. I must of been holding in a deep breath as i exhaled alot of air, breathing heavily afterwards to catch my breath.

"umm, are you ok?" Kian asked.

"yes why?" i asked, still breathless, trying to remain calm.

"who do you love Abbey?" he said, picking up the remote he muted the tv.

I must of fallen asleep, fuck. How long was i out for? what did he hear? did that dream go on longer then i thought but i can only remember the last part? I don't want Kian to know that i still love him, although he probably already knew. Kian's voice snapped me out of my thoughts as he repeated the same question again.

"Abbey? who were you talking about?" he asked, his tone more serious.

"i don't know what you mean" i said, trying to play it off.

"must of been some dream" he scoffed, sitting back on the couch and crossing his arms over his chest.

"it was a dream and i cant remember, there dreams for a reason Kian, its not real" i protested.

"i hope not because the only person you should be saying that to is me" he snapped, his eyes glued to the tv.

That almost made me choke.

"what?" i whispered, i had no breath, every time Kian got like this i could barely let out a squeak, i didn't understand it.

"you heard me" he sat up, turning his full attention to me.

"you heard me loud and clear, just like i heard you. I can barely take it anymore, having you around and pretending like i don't care, that i don't get jealous. The truth is i do. It's kind of stupid cause i get really jealous when i think of anyone else having you, when i don't even have you myself" he continued.

I had to say something, i had to stop this. My heart was about to explode. Kian was a walking Nicholas Sparks novel right now, i lived the movie once and i wasn't prepared for the sequel, i didn't want to give into him. He made it hard, so hard, unloving Kian Lawley was the hardest thing I've ever tried to do and it failed every damn time. My mouth opened, i wanted to speak, say anything to shut him up, but he interrupted me again.

"i don't think i will truly be happy until i am able to wake up at 2am from a nightmare and see the vague outline of your body against the darkness of my room, i want to be able to find your hands under the sheets ready for mine and i want to feel the warmth of your breath against my skin, i want to be able to fall back asleep wrapped up in your love" he stated.

My heart stopped. I was Deceased. My heart was dead. Here was the Nicholas Sparks sequel hitting me at full force and i could not stop it, part of me didn't want to let him. You know when you meet someone who feels like the missing puzzle piece that connects to your heart, this was it, but i was never prepared for the blow of the storm when everything between Kian and i completely changed, when he left me alone and made me suffer in silence. Why was someone so magical given to me only to be taken away? then come back swinging stronger then ever. This adventure of love and hate was enough to completely destroy everything i ever worked so hard for.

But it was our crazy adventure and i loved him.

With everything i had.

"well i guess i wasted wo...." Kian started, but i cut him off.

I cut him off with connecting my lips to his, a feeling i hadn't felt in so long. A feeling i deeply missed and a feeling that felt like home. Kian's lips never failed to ignite electricity through my veins and leave knots in my stomach well after his touch was gone. He was my supernova to a galaxy that never shined, he blew up and made it colourful again.

The rain was still pouring severely hard outside each second harder then the last and more thunder rumbled through the house louder then i'd ever heard it. Kian was the thunder that fuelled my stormy clouds.

We both pulled away breathless. Kian's eyes filling deep into mine. No emotion on his face what so ever.

"it was about you Kian" my voice broke, so i cleared my throat.

"what was?" he asked, his face still as blank as paper.

"the dream Kian, it was us and we were happy, i loved you so much" i whispered.

"oh" he let out.

"and i still do" i placed my left hand on his cheek as i felt and saw his smile light up his face.

"always" i placed a kiss on his right cheek.

"always princess" he said, his lips crashing onto mine.

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