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- kian -

I was currently at one of Dom's famous parties, but not because i wanted to party, but because i knew for a fact Abbey was invited. Over the months she's lived here, all my friends had fallen in love with her, she was adored by them, but she was adored by me the most.

Not only that, i overheard Jc saying he would pick her up on the way, i of course wasn't offered a ride because him and i weren't roommates anymore.

Speaking of the devil, i could see the back of Jc's curly hair, it wasn't hard to miss, but i must have missed there grand entrance because i was to busy making small talk and day dreaming. Abbey was no where to be seen, she must of walked off to do her own thing or catch up with everyone. I looked down at my half empty red cup filled with beer i was not even interested in, wondering what my next move should be. Do i play it cool? or lay it all out on the table? i couldn't do this anymore, no matter what happened next.

As "Closer" by the chainsmokers blasted through the speakers, i looked up and there she was, walking with a couple of girls who id met previously but i couldn't remember there names. My god. What the hell happened in the last seven months? Her hair, it was no longer purple, it was long, falling to her hips, coloured brown with blonde ends. She looked smaller, fitter... but that smile, she looked happy. The only thing that seemed to not have changed were those beautiful blue eyes she was blessed with.

Well fuck.

// 2.5 Hours Later //

Ever since i saw her, i hadn't seen her since then. Its like she vanished, until i stepped outside onto the balcony, and seen her gathered around a bunch of people in a corner surrounded by a fire, Dom suggested buying a fire pit months ago, and everybody seemed to love hanging around it.

As i inspected closer, she wasn't just there for warmth, she had a joint in her hand. What? when did she start doing that? why was she doing that? all of a sudden a blanket of rage came over me, and man was i pissed. I was in a quick pace trying to find Jc, wherever he had ended up, he was standing on the opposite side of the balcony, standing with Dom and Corey. Jc gave me a head nod as i approached him.

"Can one of you please explain to me why Abbey is smoking weed? better yet when did that start?" I asked, folding my arms over my chest.

"She's an adult dude, let her do what she wants" Dom admitted, as him, Jc and Corey all looked in her direction.

"Jc why would you let her do that?" I raised a brow.

"Because Dom's right, she's been doing it for awhile now" He admitted.

"You are meant to look out for her" I shook my head.

"Excuse me? i do every damn day, what would you know? your never around anymore to know what's going on in her life, that was your choice" Jc spat.

"If your that concerned go tell her to stop" He added in, folding his arms over his chest and pointing his red cup full of beer towards her.

Fucker. I glared at him for a few seconds, letting out a long sigh before i turned into her direction. Better late the never.

I approached Abbey, the love of my life, she had glassy eyes and was laughing hysterically at her so called friends, who were just as high as her. They paid no attention to me what so ever as i stood around the circle, so i cleared my throat to catch there attention.

Abbey's face completely went from a smile to blank as she noticed me standing there, wide eyed she sat speechless as all the others were fooling around next to her.

"Kian? oh wow" She said, shaking her head, she looked down to her lap.

"What are you doing Abbey?" I asked, trying to remain calm, i didn't want to yell at her, and i wasn't going to, but i was still mad.

She looked up at me, raising her perfectly defined left eyebrow, then a somewhat cheeky smirk began to form across her lips.

"Why do you care?" She stood up, walking towards me. "It's not your business" She continued to say, while brushing my shoulder as she walked past.

I turned to face her, gripping her arm and turning her to face me. She turned around and gave me a dirty look before i let go, she stood there and starred at me, before moving her head in a smartass way for me to say something.

"Can i help you?" She was getting impatient.

"What are you doing?" I was concerned.

"Having fun Kian, not that you care, you've been off doing that for the past seven months, years even" She spat out, waving an arm around before crossing both of her arms over her chest.

"You're doing drugs Abbey, this is different" I walked towards her.

She took a few steps back, holding up a hand to my chest to stop me, so i did. She took a few seconds to collect herself, before coming closer to me, inches from my chest, looking up at me through her eyelashes.

"Well if you're so wrapped up in knowing my business, don't worry, i'm not doing crack, cocaine, or anything like that" She smacked her lips together and looked to the side before looking back to me. "And for you information, last time i checked im an adult" Sassing me, she flipped her hair over her shoulder.

"I care about you Abbey, and you should care about yourself too" I raised a brow, widening my eyes slightly.

She laughed, shaking her head. "Oh drop the act Kian, if you cared you never would have done what you did, i still care for you, but not enough to listen to every line of bullshit you say to me anymore" She admitted, and that stung like a bitch, my heart was literally on fire.

"And i do it because i want to be numb, i want to smile without having to think of you, every damn second of everyday, i'll always love you Kian, but you know for a fact, even if i did forgive you, i'd probably never be the same, i want to be numb, and I'm better being numb then having a broken heart" A single tear fell from her eye, before she wiped it away, looking embarrassed. With that she walked towards Jc without looking back, leaving me speechless in the process.

This was the cold hard truth i had waited to hear, and as much as it killed me, i needed a wake up call, and this was it.


Hiiiiii my loves,
sorry it's taken so damn long for an update, but i hope you enjoyed this chapter.
Let me know what you think? 😊

In other news,
Abbey is meeting KnJ again, on the 25th & 26th of September, yayyy. I may be launching a new book in the near future. 😏 but who knows.

That's all for now. 😉😘
- xoxo.

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