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- Abbey -

Kian and i, we hung out all afternoon. Our late breakfast ended up being a feast of pancakes, bacon, eggs and orange juice, its safe to stay half the reason i stayed is because i was to full to move.

We spent the afternoon on the couch. Laughing and catching up on what we've both missed while we've been absent from each others lives, and there was no denying i missed this, i missed Kian. But my heart was being to cautious to love him like i did before, it'd be a long time before that ever happened again, but he was still my number one, and probably always would be. It killed me.

He was sorry, sorry for everything, and what i could tell, he was sincere about it. He admitted getting mad over the campaign Jc and i did was not worth the drama it caused. He missed Jc, and he hated the fact of all the hatred it made me build for him. I was sick of listening to his excuses over the past few years, but this time i was prepared to listen and I'm glad i did. For some fucked up reason, i wanted this kid in my life, no matter what reason it was. I had to have him, breathe him, love him, it was hard to fight myself in my own head, but this time, caution and patience was on my side. Being without Kian made me realise i could live without him, i just didn't want to.

Right now, at this current time. The Los Angeles sun is setting in between buildings that surrounded Kian's apartment. This was always my favourite time of the day, Kian was focused on some show that was on the tv. I was still hugging a pillow to my chest, i was so comfortable, i almost never wanted to go home.

My phone buzzed on the coffee table beside me, both Kian and i looked at it at the same time. I hesitated and reached for it, picking it up, seeing i had a text notification from Jc. He's either just woken up from the night before, or he'd be worried i ended up blind drunk in a ditch somewhere.

"Jc im guessing?" Kian asked, sitting up.

"You're not wrong" I replied, looking to Kian then back to my phone, i opened up the message.

JC 👽 - Hey kiddo, how'd you hold up? Are you still with Kian?

Abbbbs 🦄 - I'm feeling ok, not as hungover as i thought. Kian and i ate though, so I'm literally a couch potato. How are you feeling???

JC 👽 - Im good, went home not long after Kian took you. Been editing and keeping busy all day... Was worried because i didn't hear from you.

Abbbbs 🦄 - Well I'm not dead, promise. 😊

JC 👽 - Thank god, or id be lost without you.

Abbbbs 🦄 - Aww, look at Jc getting all cute with me. -dies-


Abbbbs 🦄 - Stop being dramatic...

JC 👽 - Seriously though...

JC 👽 - Did you and Kian sort out your shit?

Abbbbs 🦄 - Most of it, were good now. Still trust no bitch tho, besides you.

JC 👽 - Well tell the little shit I'm coming over, were gunna hang out... like old times.

Abbbbs 🦄 - Okies, well ill guess ill see you soon then. 😊

"Thats one heck of a conversation" Kian said, just as i put my phone back on the table.

I looked to him, rolling my eyes and sitting up. "Shut up, he's coming over apparently"

"Like old times?" Kian questioned.

"Pretty much exactly what he said" I replied.

Kian sighed, sitting up in the same position i was. "I miss that" He whispered.

"Me too" I breathed out.


- Kian -

Exactly seventeen minutes later Jc barged through the door with his arms wide open, like he didn't get invited, but i didn't mind none the less. Abbey and i both seemed to turn and look at the same time, as a chessy smile was plastered across Jc's face.

"Aww, look here, my two best friends finally getting along" Jc teased.

I rolled my eyes, the fucking terd. As Abbey jumped up from her spot, running to Jc she basically tackled him into a tight hug. I never understood why both of them were so close, but then again Jc was all she had while i was absent, breaking her heart. It still pains me to see the love she has for him, but then again, she most likely wouldn't be here if it wasn't for Jc, so i cant be mad about it, not anymore. I just wish she'd hug me willingly without tensing every time i touch her.

"So what's the plan?" Abbey asked, letting Jc go and looking over to me.

"You know i actually didn't think that far ahead" Jc replied.

"Oh come on" Abbey threw her hands down. "It's been months, we cant just sit around like potato's" She added in.

An idea struck through me, and i stood up rather quickly. "Let's film a video" I suggested.

"About what?" Jc asked confused.

"A Q&A, make a tweet, probably best to explain to the fans where Abbey's been all this time too, i get asked that question way to much" I sighed.

"I still get girls asking me constantly too" Abbey added in.

"Let's do it" Jc spoke, pulling out his phone. He typed away until he looked up.

"Hey guys, its Q&A time, featuring @KianLawley ask us anything using the hashtag #AskKnJ" He added in.

"Thanks for including me" Abbey rolled her eyes, pushing Jc's shoulder.

"It's going to be a surprise" Jc smirked.

"Huh?" Both Abbey and i asked at the same time.

"Just set up the camera dude, you'll see" Jc was confident about his answer, so i didn't argue.


Hey Guys, Sorry i've been gone so long and took forever to update, the rest of this part will continue in the next chapter.

Much Love,

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