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- Abbey -

Kian and i just walked through my door, we were soaking wet, the rain was still falling heavily outside. We bursted through the door in laughter, we were both so content right now. We were walking down the hallway, me in front and Kian behind.

I felt a pair of strong hands grab my waist, turning me around and pushing me against the wall. Kians lips soon finding mine and my arms wrapped around the back of his neck out of habit, Kians hands now digging into my waist. Breathing heavily, Kian put his hands on the back of my legs, motioning for me to jump, so i did, wrapping my legs tightly around his waist. Pulling my head back, Kians lips were exploring my neck, leaving soft kisses along my skin as a heavy breath escaped my mouth.

Kian was now carrying me towards my bedroom, not long after my back hit the matress, Kian climbing over me. I looked up to Kian and we both smiled at the exact same moment, i started giggling. Kian took both of my arms and pinned them above my head, leaning down slowly he looked into my eyes as our lips connected again. Kians kisses were my extacy, like a drug i couldnt stop taking. He sparked a million and one volts of electricty through my body with every single touch he'd ever given me. This boy was my sin, i was dancing with the devil. Little did he know he was my angel, my saviour. My everything.

Kians hands slowly ran down my body, from my arms to my waist, exploring every part of my body. Closing my eyes i pulled my head back as i felt my pants being pulled off my legs, the rain soaked material hitting the floor. Kian kissing up my legs as he moved towards me again. His hands lifting my shirt as he reached my face, i lifted my arms and he pulled it off, throwing it to the pile of clothing that was starting to multiply on the floor.

Kian bit down on my lower lip lightly, pulling away slowly as a harsh moan escaped my mouth. This was going to be a long night.


I opened my sleepy eyes being greeted by the pooling sun coming through the window. I took a deep breath in, cuddled into Kians side, looking up he was still peacefully asleep, his arms wrapped around me tightly. I smiled to myself. I lifted the sheets to find both our naked bodies tangled up together. I pulled myself out of Kians embrace, sitting up and stretching my tired body.

Kians arms wrapped around my waist and pulled me back down, he pulled me into a tight embrace once again.

"where do you think your going?" he asked. his morning voice was raspy and so damn hot.

"no where, back down here in your arms" i leaned up to kiss his cheek.

"good" he moved his face to the side, kissing my forehead.

I moved onto my left side, my back facing his front. Kian draped an arm over my arm, he to rolling onto his left side. I admired both of us in the mirrored wardrobe, our fingers intertwining.

"i wish it could always be like this" he whispered.

"like what?" i asked, looking at him in the mirror.

"me waking up with you everyday" he cuddled into me closer.

"me too" i whispered.

He grabbed my arms pulling me onto my back, i looked up into his eyes as he hovered over me. I placed my hand on his left cheek as my thumg glided over his jawline.

"give me something to hold onto kian" i asked.

"i love you" he said, leaning down and placing a passionate kiss on my lips.


- Kian -

Abbey and i have spent the last day in bed and today was my last day, i had already packed and had to leave for the airport soon. I didnt want to go home but Jc and i had to many projects coming up that i couldnt ignore, i just wish i could take Abbey with me, we could explore the world together, but life wasnt that easy. It'd be awhile before i got to see her beautiful face again and we both knew that. It was going to kill me just as much as it would her.

I had just ordered my uber to the airport, putting my phone in my back pocket. Abbey was standing in front of the mirror, pulling at the ends of her hair. Starring at herself with a blank expression. I walked up behind her, wrapping my arms around her waist.

"please smile babe" i said.

She looked down, saying nothing. I placed my fingers under her chin, lifting her face up. She had tears falling from her eyes, i turned her around, pulling her into a huge hug, my right hand on her waist and my left hand on the back of her head, my fingers playing with her hair.

"dont cry princess" i whispered.

She looked up at me and sniffled.

"im sorry" she choked out.

I wiped both her tears away with my thumbs then pulled her face to mine, kissing those soft lips i love so much. She returned the kiss, placing both her hands on my waist. Then we both pulled away.

"are you coming down to say goodbye?" i asked.

She just nodded, pulling away she walked towards my luggage, picking up my duffle bag then picking up her keys. I sighed, she looked like a zombie and it killed me. I walked over to my luggage and grabbed the handle of my luggage, following after Abbey out the door. The elevator ride down to the first level was silent, our hands were intertwined but the silence was deafining, she was already broken and there was nothing i could do to pick up the pieces, i didnt want her to be hurt, i never wanted to hurt her at all.

We walked out the front door, waiting for my uber to arrive, she placed my dufflebag on the ground and walked towards me, wrapping her small arms around my waist and placing her head on my chest closing her eyes, my arms immediatly went around her holding her close.

"please dont go" she whispered.

"i wish i didnt have too" i rubbed her back.

"why cant things just be simple?" she looked up at me.

"i promise one day they will be" i looked down at her.

"perks of being in love with a youtuber" she let out a frustrated laugh.

"hey" i glared at her.

"im still the luckiest girl alive Kian" she leant up on her tip toes and kissed me.

I placed both of my hands on both sides of her face as her hands gripped my wrists. We stayed like that for awhile, Until my uber driver inturrpting us by honking his horn, making both of us jump away from each other. We both grabbed my luggage and walked towards the car and stood behind it, as the driver came round to open the boot. After we placed the luggage in the car i faced Abbey. I pulled her into me and held her close, how i wish i could keep her here in my arms forever.

I rubbed her arms and looked down at her. I leaned in and we kissed each other over and over again. Tears were already falling from her eyes, i wiped away as many as i could, but i knew after i was gone i couldnt do that for her anymore. I pulled away from her, grabbing her hand i walked towards the back seat door and opened it. I turned to face her and ran my thumb over her hand.

"i love you" i kissed her forehead before climbing into the back seat, i closed the door and wound down the window.

"always Kian" she said, i lifted my hand and she grabbed it.

"ill be seeing you" she said, a half smile appeared on her face as her tears fell.

"soon my angel" i whispered kissing her hand.

My uber driver slowly started driving, our hands still bound together until we couldnt hold on any longer. The last memory of her was walking out onto the road watching me drive away. I to was now broken.

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