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- Abbey -

Once Kian and i had arrived back at the apartment he ran down the hall screaming at the top of his lungs. He was hypo enough as it was sober, he was literally a child i did not want to babysit anymore. He actually made me chase him up and down the hallway three times just so i could get his front door key. I was seriously thinking about calling Jc. When we did make it inside Kian practically almost fell through the door and ate shit, in this case almost face planted the floorboards. He then disappeared and came back a few minutes later with Hazel by his side and laid down on the couch, then he passed out. Thank god. I sat down on the opposite couch
and turned on the tv, waiting for Jc to get back. Until i heard something horrible. Kian vomited all over the floor in front of the couch. This was going to be a long night.

- Kian -

I woke up with a pounding headache and i couldn't even remember how i got into my own bed. What the hell even happened last night? my squinted eyes gazed over my room, then i looked down at myself, i don't remember getting into sweatpants either. I sighed. I got drunk last night to numb the pain, when in fact it hit me twice as hard now then it ever has. Drinking really doesn't solve shit, all it does is give you a fucking horrible hangover and makes reality hit you hard. I only went to Dom's party last night because i overheard Jc saying Abbey was going to be there, now that i think about it did she even go? my memory was blank. The last 12 hours are a complete blur.

I slowly swung my legs over my bed and stood up. Ew. I held my pounding head as i almost tripped over Hazel and walked towards to kitchen. I needed advil and water asap. While i was walking towards the sink i saw someone in the corner of my eye on the couch, i almost thought i was seeing things so i lowkey shit myself. I looked over and there she was... It was Abbey sound asleep on the couch wrapped in a blanket. Wait what? did she look after me last night? what happened? i didn't want to wake her up but i also kind of wanted to know why i cant remember a damn thing. Fuck it, ill let her sleep and ask questions later. If i was the reason she slept on the couch, i feel horrible. That should be me, not her.

- Abbey -

Oh shit. I sat up in shock and quickly checking my surroundings. I must have fallen asleep after i got Kian into bed. I told Jc not to bother and to enjoy his night, i felt bad because i already knew why he got so drunk and that was because of me, i had to take responsibility for it. After i took him to bed i was going to call and Uber, i guess i was to exhausted. The sun was out but i had no idea what time it was, maybe early afternoon. I shrugged to myself. I wonder if Kian was awake or if he was still passed out and id walk in seeing more vomit on the floor.

I stood up and stretched out my tired body, this couch was not comfterble. Awell. I heard the ring of a collar approaching and Hazel had jumped up pushing me back onto the couch. She jumped on top of me and started licking my face causing me to giggle.

"hazel" i said almost screaming.

I pulled both my hands up to pat her.

"hazel come here!" Kians voice ran through the room.

Both Hazel and i looked to Kian at the same time, Hazel jumped off and ran to Kian sitting by his feet.

"sorry" he apoligised.

I sat up once more and slightly smiled.

"she didnt do anything wrong, did you hazey" i said looking to her.

Again, she ran back to me and sat by my feet and i pet her once more.

"your so cute arn't you hazey" i said in a baby voice. she then proceeded to lick my hand and Kian folded his arms.

"if i did anything bad last night im sorry" Kian said.

"besides cleaning up your vomit and having to shower you and put you to bed, its fine" i looked up to Kian.

"oh god, Abbey im so sorry" he said, putting his face into his hands.

"you would've done the same for me Kian" i said, waving my hand and brushing away the subject.

Kian walked over and sat next to me on the couch.

"why did you help me?" he asked.

"because when i had no body, and i went through a stage of getting drunk every single night... i woke up thinking who really cared about me Kian, i don't want that for you" i said softly, looking at him slowly.

Kian looked down and sighed, he already looked upset.

"id take it all back if i could Abbey" he looked up to me.

"as much as i hate you, i'll always love you" i choked out.

Kian put his hand over mine.

"i still hate you but i forgive you" i whispered.

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