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- Abbey -

After meeting Kian and Jc, i moved along in the line. Meeting Andrea, Ava, Trevor, Kurt, Tyde, Jamie and Tyler. It all went by so quickly, but ill never forget this day, i finally met Kian and dont regret anything, even though i was a shy fucking idiot, awell. I looked up to my chaperone and he gave me back my phone and my bag, i thanked him and took one last look back to Kian, and in that moment he was looking at me to, its like the whole room stopped. I smiled at him and he returned it, before i was inturupted by the security guard telling me i had to leave, the bitch. I looked forward and made my way down the stairs.

As soon as i exited Arnica turned around, running up to me and hugged me tightly.

"oh my god, we finally met them" she squealed.

"i know" i pulled away and my smile was priceless. I pulled out my phone and brought up snapchat, filming me almost in tears because i had finally met them, it was embarassing but i didnt care.

After our other friends had joined us, we decided to go buy some merch, so we walked towards the theatre and inside, recieving a free goodie bag of makeup along the way.

I had purchased Kian's shirt, Jc's shirt, Andrea's jumper and also happened to score a poster signed by Tyler Oakley, score.

I got onto my phone, looking at all my meet and greet photo's. I was still in fangirl mode and hadnt checked it in awhile after i made my snapchat. Of course the first one i went to was the hugging one i did with Kian, i loved it, it was everything id pictured for the longest as cheesy as it is, i cant help it ok? i quickly made it my screensaver then made a tweet.

@abbbbs @kianlawley i finally met you today. 😍❤️ #AmplifyLIVE

( picture above 😊 )

The photo quickly got a shiton of retweets and likes. Cute.

Awhile later we decided we were hungry, so we made our way to Mcdonalds across the street, when i felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I had one new text from Rob, it was late in LA. He should be asleep.

Rob 👽 - you are so beautiful. 😍 i knew it.

I raised an eyebrow, what the fuck?

Abbey 🦄 - umm, what the hell are you talking about?


Almost an hour had past and i hadnt heard from Rob, maybe that text wasnt ment for me, or he was asleep, the weirdo. We were sitting in the park when we heard a bunch of girls screaming coming from Luna Park, so we all stood up to see what was going on. When we walked through the gates we instantly knew why, all the youtubers were having there break on the balcony, and you could see the back of Kian and Jc's heads clear as day, and Ava was snapchatting everyone from down below. I almost died, Kian Lawley kills me i swear.

Jc stood up and examined the crowd briefly, before waving and saying hi to everyone. Moments later, Kian did the same thing. Then it hit me like a bus, a ton of girls were screaming in my ears and pushing me from left to right. I rolled my eyes and gripped onto Arnica. Why were we even here? beats me, we got to see them on stage later anyway.

- Kian -

We were currently on break and about to start our last meet and greet of the day, when fans started swarming from down below once again. Jc had popped up and sussed out the crowd before sitting back down.

"your girls down there with her friends" he said, turning to me.

I looked at him and raised an eyebrow.

"what?" i asked looking behind me still sitting down.

"look for yourself dude" once again he stood up and turned to the crowd of screaming girls looking down at them.

I quickly got up, leaning on one of the chairs to show my face, little did anyone know i was searching for Abbey.

"hi guys" i waved to the girls down below, darting my eyes everywhere and trying to ignore the constant screaming.

Then i found her, being pushed and shoved by a mob of girls, and she quickly linked arms with someone who i presumed was her friend. I felt so bad for her, if i had of told her earlier she would be up here with me right now.

I then walked away and grabbed my phone, i just remembered i sent her a text earlier. Sure enough i had 2 unread one's from Abbey.

Abbey 🦄 - umm, what the hell are you talking about?

Abbey 🦄 - are you sure that was ment for me?

Rob 👽 - yes, it was ment for you, and you are beautiful.

I walked back to the balcony, and looked down trying to find her again. When i did sure enough she was typing away on her phone, a second later mine vibrated in my hand.

Abbey 🦄 - i still dont get it, you've seen one picture of me...

Rob 👽 - ive seen more then that.

Her face was priceless, she looked so confused causing me to laugh slightly. I could see Jc from the corner of my eyes smirking, he knew exactly what was going on. Even though Abbey lived half way across the world, he thought this whole thing in the beginning was stupid, but over time he's seen how happy she makes me, im so glad i have such a supportive best friend like him. I looked at him briefly and smiled, when my phone vibrated again.

Abbey 🦄 - ok rob, your scaring me.

Maybe i should scare her just a little bit more.

Rob 👽 - look up...

She looked like a lost puppy at this point.

Abbey 🦄- what?

Rob 👽 - trust me.

And with that she looked up, i bet she didnt know what the hell to expect, then her eyes met mine and i smiled. I waved to her.

"hi abbey" i yelled out.

She almost dropped her phone, gripping onto her friend with wide eyes. opps.

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