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- Abbey -

It was almost six am by the time i made it back the hotel. Jc and i got lost, literally. Without a care in the world we drove around aimlessly watching the sunrise as he drove me back towards reality. Im glad i had a friend like Jc. This past year has been hell, but im glad our friendship has never faded in the last two years since amplify. Looking back now it was such a long time ago, well it actually was but i never thought id be where i am now. So much had changed, but the one thing that hasn't is my love for Kian Lawley.

I hated him, hated him with all i had, i hated him so much that ill never stop loving him.

- Kian -

It was 6:30am. Where the fuck were they? where was Abbey? where was Jc? It has literally kept me up all night, until i heard wishbone barking and the front door opening. I jumped out of bed and was greeted by a sleepy Jc locking the door behind him.

"where have you been dude?" i asked, folding my arms.

"caring for someone you couldn't" he replied, nudging my shoulder as he walked past.

"hey" i grabbed his arm and he spun around.

"you can be mad at me, i get that" i continued.

"im not mad Kian" Jc sighed.

"im dissapointed in you, she is such an amazing girl and you broke her, id gladly even pick up the pieces to see her smile again. you may be my best friend buddy, but shes special too" he said, putting his hand on my shoulder.

"i never ment to let her down" those words flew from my mouth, i almost choked at the same time.

"she still loves you bro" Jc said softly.

"what?" i asked, confused.

"i can see it in her eyes" Jc walked away, leaving me there to ponder in my thoughts.


- Abbey -

I woke up around 1pm that day. I was wrecked, but the first thing i did today was smile and that hadn't happened in such a long time. Kurt was out all day again today and had a business / dinner party later, so i had a free day to myself, with absolutely no plans at all. I picked up my phone and decided to text Jc.

Abbey 🦄 - whats up buttercup???

- Kian -

I was currently on the couch chilling out on my phone when Jc's phone went off, i glanced over at it and it was a message from Abbey.

Abbey 🦄 - whats up buttercup???

What the hell? since when was Abbey so fond of Jc? well obviously they kept in contact and i know Jc would never try anything, but a sting of jealousy hit me like a bus. Jc was currently in the shower and he was going to hang out with Dom afterwards. Then i had a plan, so i picked up Jc's phone and decided to text her back.

Jc 👽 - not much kiddo, how about you?

Abbey 🦄 - nothing, bored. 😔

Jc 👽 - aww wanna hang?

Just then i heard Jc come out of the bathroom so i quickly put his phone back down on the coffee table as he walked out and towards me.

Abbey 🦄 - sure, ill see you soon.

I glanced and read it, shit. Jc picked up his phone screwing up his face, then his eyes quickly darted to me before he unlocked his phone and was obviously reading the messages.

"dude what the hell?" he asked.

I sat up and sighed.

"what?" i asked.

"cant you text her off your phone? this is pathetic" he shook his head.

"she hates me and i need to talk to her" i said putting my face in my hands.

"i miss her dude" i mumbled.

Jc sighed.

"if she kills me, im going to kill you" he was now walking away by the sound of his voice disappearing, then he left.

I hope to god this plan works.

- Abbey -

I just got to Jc and Kians place. I prayed to god he wasn't here, i was not prepared for it, nor was my heart. I knocked on the door and waited, also holding Jc's jumper over my arm that he lent me, i wanted to return it. The door swung open, i raised my eyes up and my heart stopped.

"hey" Kian said softly.

"wher...." my voice broke and i cleared my throat.

"wheres Jc?" i asked, looking past Kian and inside.

"i texted you off Jc's phone Abbey, hes not here" he said, opening the door further to let me in. the sneaky little shit. i didn't want a bar of it. i shook my head.

"right, well can you just make sure Jc gets this?" i asked, holding out his jumper. Kian pulled on my arm, pulling me through the door, shutting and locking it at the same time.

"what the hell Kian!?" i yelled. Hazel and Wishbone started barking.

"no need to yell" he said, crossing his arms.

"i have every right too" i glared.

"you're right" he said, walking toward me. i started to step back.

"stop" he said softly.

"no" i shook my head, my legs hitting the couch.

"im sorry Abbey" he choked out.

"its a little to late for that, and you know that Kian" the tears started falling from my eyes, i couldn't take it anymore.

He held out his hand to touch me, i dropped Jc's jumper, leaving it on the couch. Slapping Kian's hand away, i pushed past him.

"go fuck yourself" i snapped.

Kian grabbed my wrist, turning me around and pulling me into him. His hands found my face and his lips found mine. That kiss, his touch, the electricity flowing through my viens. I tried to fight him, but he put a hand on my back keeping me close, eventually i gave up, i gave in. I gave in to the devil. We both pulled away breathless as his thumb wiped away some of my fallen tears.

"i hate you" i choked out, barely a whisper as i started to break down crying.

"i know" he said, pulling me in close against his chest, he stroked my hair as his free hand rubbed my back.

"i hate me too" he said.

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