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- Abbey -

Today was the day, i finally met Kian. Let me tell you, i was nervous as hell. I wore a white singlet, black high waisted jeans, a flannel and red converse. My hair was straight, and i had winged liner and a brown smokey eye. Somewhere along the way i hated how my makeup turned out but i didnt have time to fix it, fml. I was already at the venue and just checked in for my meet and greet which was at 1pm, i was still near the meet and greet desk while waiting for my internet friends. You see none of my friends understood my obsession for Kian and Jc, i met a bunch of girls from twitter a few months prior to the event and we all decided to meet up on the day. I had recieved a text from one of my friends saying she just ran into Jc and her way here, what the actual hell? lucky hoe.

Abbey 🦄 - 40 more minutes rob, im dying. literally.

I text rob and put my phone in my back pocket, just as i did my friends had arrived.

- Kian -

I was nervous, i met Abbey today. I was currently doing my first meet and greet session out of four, and every girl i saw i had a mini heart attack hoping it would be her, but it wasnt, i wonder which group shes in. Just at the moment i got a text, my phone vibrated in my pocket. I waited till we had finished up with a fan before checking it.

Abbey 🦄 - 40 more minutes rob, im dying. literally.

Damn, she must be in the next group. I recieved that 10 minutes ago. Just as i looked up a girl had approached me, i opened up my arms and smiled, embracing her in a hug before she moved onto Jc. Since i was already on my phone i opened up my snapchat and held my phone out in front of us and quickly did the puppy filter on her while filming it. I kissed her cheek and she smiled so widely covering her mouth.

"oh my god" she muffled, her hand was still on her mouth.

I put my phone in my back pocket and hugged her. "it was nice to meet you" i said letting go of her and smiling.

25 more minutes to go.


- Abbey -

It was 5 past 1, and we were all still waiting to get let inside. Some guy had come out and told us they were taking a break and we had to wait an extra 20 minutes, i sighed, i just wanted to meet Kian, although i understood, there were alot of people here they had to meet. Then i felt a vibration in my pocket.

Rob 👽 - not long, are you excited?

Abbey 🦄 - there taking a break, we have to wait. i want to get it over with.

Rob 👽 - i know, its bullshit.

Rob 👽 - thats bullshit*** there goes the auto correct again.

Abbey 🦄 - bitch, turn that shit off. lol.

Rob 👽 - haha, i will. what'd you decide on wearing?

Abbey 🦄 - i wore black skinny's, a white singlet and a flannel. i changed my outfit a thousand times and ended up looking hobo as fuck.

Rob 👽 - oh shut up, i bet you look good in anything.

Abbey 🦄 - ew, no.

Abbey 🦄 - im sick of waiting.

Rob 👽 - paitience princess.

Abbey 🦄 - its hard.

Rob 👽 - i know.

- Kian -

We had been told to take a break, there was an outside balcony connected to our meet and greet room, so we all went outside to sit down and have a bite to eat. In the meantime i texted Abbey and waved to a few fans that were hanging around downstairs and watching us from above, how cute.

Abbey told me what she was wearing, so i could now be on the look out, i couldnt wait to meet her. My thoughts were inturrupted by Jc snapping his fingers in front of my face.

"huh?" i shook my head and looked over to him.

"time to go in dude, you'll meet her, dont worry" he stood up patting my back and smirked.

I stood up and pushed his hand away. "dude shut up"

All i could hear was a muffled laugh from Jc as i opened the sliding door, then i was hit with a wave of girls screaming, i looked over and smiled.

"hi, love you" i said while walking by, i briefly touched a few girls hands and almost swore i saw abbey right behind the black curtain. I shook my head and dissapeared around the corner, going to mine and Jc's spot.

I dont know how much time went by, a fan had approached us. She was a Jc girl, so i took the time to make sure i kept her in my grip as long as possible to piss him off, haha the fucker. We took our photo, then she asked Jc if he could kiss her on the cheek, he took her away as the chaperone snapped photos of them, i leaned into the photo and did a kissy face in the background, while Jc was still with her, i glaced over at the waiting crowd, and thats when i saw her. I turned my attention back to Jc just as the fan he was with moved onto Andrea. I was to nervous to turn around, god she was so damn beautiful.

Cliffhanger. 😘 What do you guys think of the story so far?

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