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- Abbey -

"kian?" i asked shocked, at this point i felt like i was going to explode, vomit and cry all at the same time.

"no?" the boy looked at me puzzled.

I opened and closed my eyes, tightly. When i readjusted my eyes, it wasnt Kian. It was a complete stranger, i havent even been here a day and all i could think about was Kian. This poor guy.

I let out an embarrassed laugh.

"i am so sorry" i said, my face was probably red as a tomato.

"no its ok" he smiled.

"be careful next time" then he walked away.

I followed his movements and watched as he disappeared into a crowd of people. I looked forward and shook my head. My anxiety was at an all time high.


- Abbey -

After a long day, i finally made it back to the hotel. Kurt and i had gone to dinner and talked about his day and looked for some apartments, no luck as of yet. We wanted something perfect and had yet to find it. It was now around 9pm and Kurt and i were in bed. We were watching mean girls and Kurt kept falling in and out of sleep, it was hilarious. At one point he'd forgotten what day it was, i wish i snapchatted that, awell. He'd kill me anyway.

Then my phone chimed, i grabbed it off the nightstand to see i had a message from Jc.

Jc 👽 - hey buddy, whats up? how was your flight?

Abbbbs ✨ - Kurt and i are in bed watching a movie, but he keeps falling asleep lol. you?? long and fucking boring son.

Jc 👽 - imagine doing a world tour, long flights errr'day. wanna hang fam? im bored.

Abbbbs ✨- i dont know how you do it, lol. whatcha wanna do? 😊

Jc 👽 - i have to finish editing tomorrow's video... you could come by here & check out the new place, then we could go for a drive or something? adventures. 🌿

Abbbbs ✨ - Kian wont be there will he?

Jc 👽 - no? hes out with corey somewhere. whats going on with you two??

Abbbbs ✨ - ill tell ya when im looking at ya fam. 😜

Jc 👽 - okaaaaay. < inserts address > ill see you soon.

Abbbbs ✨ - see you soon. 😊


- Abbey -

The uber had dropped me off in front of Kian and Jc's apartment, and i stoof out the front waiting for Jc to buzz me up, soon enough the doors opened, so i walked in and went to the elevator. I pressed there floor level and was quickly taken up, damn this elevator was fast. Once i was out i walked down the hall looking for there apartment, i found it and knocked, seconds later i could hear barking. Wishbone and Hazel. I smiled to myself.

Then the door opened with a smiling Jc, he quickly opened his arms and pulled me in for a hug.

"its been a long time buddy" he spoke.

"to long" i giggled, pulling away.

We both smiled and he moved to the side to let me in.

"how have you been babe?" i asked, looking back as he shut the door. Hazel had jumped up into my legs pushing me back slightly.

"hazel!" Jc yelled.

"its ok" i gently took Hazels paws off my legs and got down on my knees to pet her, then Wishbone joined her.

Hazel licked my face as i pet wishbone as i sat in the middle of the hallway laughing.

"there a handful" Jc said, coming up next to me, he crossed his arms. I looked up to Jc and smiled.

"there cute" i replied, standing up.

"did you get your editing done?" i asked.

"literally just before you knocked, you timed it well" he said.

"im just that good" i smirked.

"so whats going on with Kian?" he asked.

I sighed.

"we might be here all day" i folded my arms.

"i have a couch and i have time" Jc said walking towards the living room.

"i guess its now or never then" i followed him.


- Abbey -

It took me almost an hour to explain everything to Jc, he was still just as confused as he was when i first started talking. Apparently Kian had told him that we were still together, talking and everything was fine. When infact it had been an entire year. Eventually Jc just stopped asked because Kian would give him the same answer or completely ignore the topic. Jc wasn't happy at all, but I've reassured him more then once that there was no need to cause drama, thats the last thing i wanted, they were best friends. As much as Kian hurt me i'd never want to tear them apart.

"well, hes a douche. but ill always be here for you abs" Jc said, smiling.

"thanks" i smiled back.

Vega was currently curled up on my lap asleep while i patted her repeatedly. I wish i was able to have a pet, but my dad wouldn't let me. I should probably think about moving out when im back in Australia.

"i wish i lived here so i could pet sit for you" i picked up Vega and cuddled her into my chest.

"then move here and you can, i wouldn't mind seeing you more often" Jc shifted on the couch.

"i wish, dont get me started" i replied.

"just think about it" Jc stood up.

"wanna get going?" he asked.

"sure" i smiled, standing up i placed Vega down on the couch, she stretched out then snuggled into the pillow.

Jc walked towards his room, i presume he went to get his car keys and wallet. I grabbed my bag placing it over my shoulder and stood in the hallway by the door. Jc walked back out moments later wearing a jumper, then he held one out for me.

"it might get cold, so you might need this" he said.

I took it from him and placed it over my arm.

"thanks kiddo" i walked towards the door.

"hey im older then you" Jc walked towards the light switches to turn the lights off, just before he did the door swung open.

I looked towards the door, and there he was. Kian Robert Lawley.

He shot a glance at me then stopped in place, thats when my heart stopped.

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