Chapter 3: Pizza

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Friend, noun.
The one who gives you the whole pizza is your friend. The one who steals your pizza is better. But the one who gives you a pizza to share, and then eats it all anyway... There's really something to be said for that one.

Chapter three: Pizza

We walked along the sidewalk towards the mall, in a comfortable silence. Night had fallen, so apart from the street lamps, and the backlight from Simon's phone, everything was dark.

"What do you wanna eat?" Asked Simon, looking up from his phone at me. "We're divided between pizza and Nando's at the moment."

"Pizza," I said immediately. He sighed.

"Dammit. Pizza it is then." I laughed.

"Did you want Nando's?"

"Nando's is way better," he responded.

"I've never been a big fan," I replied. "I'd sooner take KFC, to be honest."

"Really?" He exclaimed. "I guess at least it's not Sumo Salad or something. Girls have been worse."

"Depends what day you ask me," I said, laughing. "I don't have the self control to be a health freak, but then there's days when I'm feeling very virtuous and eat no sugar or fat."

"Do they come very often?" He asked.

"Nope," I responded, giggling.

We'd reached he pizza place now, and Simon pushed the door open, and we went in.

"Nando's is literally right next door Simon," I pointed out. "We can always go after if you want."

"Nah, pizza is okay," he smiled.

We ordered take out, and then sat in one of the booths to wait.

"You sure you'll survive without Nando's?" I smirked.

"Think I'll manage to pull through,' he said, rolling his eyes. "Haha, you're so funny Jord."

"Thanks, glad you enjoyed the joke," I responded with a straight face.

"Anytime, anytime," he replied, nodding seriously.

Eventually though, he couldn't hold his poker face, and we both burst out laughing again.

After collecting our take out, we began to walk home again.

"We should record some IRL videos together," said Simon. "You know, because we're so funny." I laughed, but nodded.

"Yeah, of course," I agreed. "Got any bright ideas?"

"Well, no," he admitted. "I guess we could just do a Q&A or something generic like that."

"We could do the slang challenge," I suggested.

"What's that?" He asked.

"Well, you know what slang is, in Australia we have words that you don't use here in England, so I can see if you know what any of them mean, and then you can do the same with English slang for me."

"That's a pretty cool idea," he said, nodding. "So, Q&A, and slang challenge?"

"One for each channel," I nodded.

We'd reached the Sidemen house again, and as Simon unlocked the door and we went in, we could hear yelling.

"I'm guessing that's Jide?" I asked. Simon nodded, smirking.

"He's hopeless at just about everything except FIFA, so he's most likely raging at whatever game he's playing."

"He doesn't sound too happy," I laughed, putting the pizza boxes I was carrying on the island in the kitchen.

"The pizza will go cold now, dammit. Everyone's recording."

"Nah, we do this all the time," replied Simon.

I sat on the island bench, and watched as he grabbed a giant pair of scissors from the knife block, and after ripping the lid and sides from the pizza box, he cut the pizza and the base of the box into two bits.

"One for Josh, one for Vik," he explained.

That left two whole pizzas.

"There's three of us left though," I pointed out. "You, me and Jide. Who gets the whole pizza to themselves?"

"Jide," replied Simon. "He eats 90% of the food in this house." I laughed.

"Sounds about right."

"Imma take these upstairs," he said, grabbing the two whole pizzas. "Can you take the two halves to Josh and Vik?"

"I'll go wherever you're taking the pizza," I responded, sliding off the island bench.

Simon looked at me, and laughed.

"What?" I asked, picking up the two pizza halves, and following him towards the stairs.

"Nothing," he smirked. "You're just so short."

"No, I'm pretty sure I'm normal sized, you're just a giant." He laughed.

I made it to Vik's room, and knocked on the door.

"If you want pizza, you'll have to get the door," I yelled. "My hands are full."

After a second, the door opened, and Vik appeared.

"Thanks Jord," he smiled, taking one of the halves. "Yum, can I have both halves?"

"No, this is Josh's," I said, moving it out of his reach, as he pretended to grab for it.

"Ha, I know, but it would be jokes if he didn't get any," he laughed.

I shook my head at him, laughing too.

"You're an idiot." Vik disappeared again, and the door closed.

I went over to Josh's room, and knocked on the door.

"Can I come in? It's your pizza."

"Sure, come in," he replied.

I opened the door with my free hand, and walked in. I put the pizza on the desk next to him.

"Thanks," he smiled. "Wanna watch?"

"I would, but Simon has my pizza," I laughed. "I last ate at 3am Aussie time, so I've no clue what time that works out to be here."

"Oh wow, I forgot about the Timezone changes," stated Josh. "You must be hella tired."

"It's not that bad,"I laughed. "Anyway, I'll leave you to it."

"Thanks for the pizza," he yelled, as I closed the door.

"Welcome," I replied.

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