Chapter 67: The Best of Both Worlds

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Patience, abstract noun.
Just make the right decisions, and have patience. Good things come to those who wait.

Chapter sixty seven: The Best of Both Worlds
At this point, Harry came over and joined our group, wrapping his arms over Anya and Freezy's shoulders.
"Welcome home, miss Star," he grinned at Anya.
"Oh, you're still gonna call me that?" She groaned, but there was a smile on her face. "I thought you'd forgotten about it!"
"I actually did," Harry admitted, "But then the party decorations reminded me I used to call you that. How do you like everything, by the way?"
"It's amazing," she said, honestly. "You guys have done such a great job, I can't believe all this!"
"You guys really went all out," nodded Chris. "Who did the food?"
"Em helped a bit," said Ethan, "But Summer and Ellie did most of it."
"Talk of the devil," I laughed, seeing Summer heading over to us.
"Jordyn, Anya, join the dance party! Where dem girls at?"
"Bring on the rap," I giggled. I grabbed Anya's hand, freeing her shoulders from Harry. "Better kiss your fan club goodbye, honey, we're going dancing!"
"Wow," she laughed, running to catch up with me. "Savage, Jordy!" We joined the other girls on the dance floor. Most of them had arrived by now, and it was great to see everybody so dressed up for a change.
"Hey Jord! Hey Anya!" Yelled Freya above the music.
"When did you get here Frey?" I asked her.
"Ages ago!" She laughed. "C'mon, shut up and dance with me!"
"Your singing is horrible," I giggled.
"Nah, this is my new candid music video," she replied.
"I feel sorry for your subscribers!" Laughed Anya.
"Wow, everyone's firing shots tonight!" Said Summer. "This is a good song girls. Let's go!"

Simon found me about half an hour later, taking a break from dancing to grab a drink.
"What's up?" I smiled at him. He returned the smile, but his face was serious.
"Your phone rang just now," he said, holding it out to me. "The caller ID was Eddie, so I figured you'd want to take it. Eddie was your cheer coach, right?"
"Yeah!" I nodded, surprised. "I wonder why he's calling me. Oh!" A thought suddenly dawned on me. "I hope Meah's okay! But they have Lachlan as our emergency contact, so..."
"Hey hey hey, chill," said Simon, placing a hand on each of my shoulders. "I'm sure everything's fine. Why don't you just call him back?"
"Okay," I nodded, breathing deeply. I smiled gratefully at him.
"I'll be chatting with Tobi and Chris just in there if you want me afterwards," he said, pointing through the doorway to the living room. I nodded, and slipped outside onto the balcony, which was deserted for the minute. I opened my phone, and called Eddie.

My coach picked up within two rings.
"Jordy! How are you girl?" He asked. Even through the phone, I could feel his good humour radiating from him like a sunbeam.
"I'm great, actually," I replied. "What's up?"
"Well..." he paused. "I have potentially good news for you."
"Well it depends how you take it. In a nutshell, the girl we put in your place on the team broke her ankle, so if you're in a position to do so, we'd love you back on the team." At his words, I almost dropped the phone off the balcony.
"I..." I was speechless with surprise. "No way is this actually real. YES!"
"Ow! My ear!" He complained. "But that's great then, what day can you get here by?"
"Well, uh, today's Friday, right? I guess Wednesday I should be good to go, give me time to fly over there and recover from jet lag. But I'll confirm that with you. I need to book a flight."
"That's perfect," he said. "Thanks so much Jord, and sorry for the short notice, but she literally broke her ankle earlier today."
"Poor girl, I hope she's okay," I said. "And two weeks before Worlds too!"
"It really sucks for her," he said. "Good for you, though! And can I just say I'm proud of you for fixing your relationship, Simon better be coming to Worlds, because I want to meet him!" I laughed.
"He is," I replied. "A lot of the guys are planning to, actually! I guess I'll see you Wednesday?"
"See you then!" He confirmed.

I stared out over the city lights in disbelief. I was literally buzzing with excitement, and unable to comprehend that somehow, I was getting the best of both worlds. I felt a sudden urge to share my news with someone, and throwing open the door to the balcony, I bolted inside, in pursuit of Simon. He was, as he'd said, talking to Chris and Tobi, and Vik and Kay had now joined them. Simon took in my beaming smile, and chuckled.
"I take it that went well?" He asked. "What did he want?"
"The alternate broke her ankle!" I exclaimed. "He wants me to come back on the Worlds team!"
"Are you serious? Jord this is amazing!" He pulled my hand towards him, and wrapped his arms around me, hugging me tightly. I jumped up and down in excitement, and the others laughed at us.
"That's great Jord!" Smiled Vik.
"Yeah, congrats hun," added Kay. "I'm so happy for you!"
"Can we come watch you compete?" Asked Tobi.
"If you want," I smiled at him happily.
"Wait what sport is it Jord?" Asked Chris.
"I was on a level 6 Allstars cheerleading team," I explained, "And I ditched because I had to come back here for something more important than cheerleading, but yeah... they want me back, I guess."
"That's awesome," Chris smiled.

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