Chapter 46: Presents

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The present, abstract noun.
We are too concerned about what was and what will be. There is a saying: yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That is why it is called the present.

Chapter forty six: Presents
The first present I picked up was wrapped in bright red paper, with a pattern of Santa heads on it.
"Oh, this is the Behz present from Jide, better save this one til later," I said, and the others giggled, whilst Ethan groaned.
"C'mon man, you're holding me in suspense here."
One by one, the presents were eagerly ripped open, and soon we were sitting in a pile of wrapping paper. Simon's present for me was a Polaroid camera, which I was very excited about.
"You remembered when we talked about this!" I said. "You're amazing, thank you!"
"Welcome," he grinned. "Don't take too many selfies with it, will you?"
"That's an invitation," I laughed, turning it on, and holding it out to take a photo of the two of us. Simon laughed at me.
"One more condition," he said. "This whole thing of film has to be used up by the end of today, because, you know, memories." I laughed. "I gave you a whole bunch of refills," he added, "So it's no loss."
"Fair enough," I laughed. "You're basically forcing me to do scrapbooking, which I love doing, but never get the time for these days."

My present for him was a white Apple Watch, which he'd been eyeing off for some time.
"I've been secretly hoping you wouldn't buy it, because you kept talking about getting one, so..."
"It's perfect," he smiled. "Thank you. Hopefully I don't smash it!"
"Time to smash it," I quoted, and then realised what I'd said. "Oh my gosh, time, and it's a watch, get it? Haaaa..."
"Wow Jordy," he laughed. "But seriously, thank you. I love it." He bent, and kissed me sweetly.
"Awww," said Josh, smiling at the two of us. He was still our biggest fan.
"Are you gonna Skype Freya today?" I asked him. He nodded.
"Yeah, but not till like, 5pm today, it's midnight yesterday there about now."
"Timezones suck, man," sighed Manny. I gave him a sympathetic smile. I felt sorry for them that they couldn't be with their girls today, but they'd be going back to them soon. For Simon and I, these were the last few weeks before a good few months of absence. We were going to make the most of them.
"Can I please open this present now, Jide?" Whined Ethan. JJ sighed dramatically, and handed Ethan the parcel with his present inside. Ethan tore off the paper, to find a gift box inside. He removed the lid, and pulled out a wrapped present. He removed this layer to find another layer of paper, with a different pattern on it, underneath.
"Oh no," I giggled, realising what was coming.
"Really JJ?" Sighed Ethan, removing the next layer of paper, only to find another beneath it.
"I just thought you'd like to play pass the parcel with yourself," giggled JJ.
"JJ, the idea of pass the parcel is it has a present in each layer," said Josh.
"Oh," said JJ. "Well, I mean, it has air in..."
"Oh, thanks," laughed Ethan. "How many layers did you do? Is there actually something in here, or is it just all this obnoxious Santa Claus paper?"
"Yeah, there is something in the middle... I think there is, anyway. Oh, what if I forgot to put the actual present inside?"
"I wouldn't put it past you," laughed Simon. When Ethan finally pulled off the last layer of paper, there was a small USB thumb drive inside, with a tag attached. The tag read 'Merry Christmas Behz, Game of Thrones Seasons 4-6.'
"Aw this is actually decent, thanks JJ," grinned Ethan.
"No worries mate," smiled JJ.
"Was it worth pulling all that paper off for?" Laughed my dad, who'd been watching proceedings in amusement.
"Game of Thrones is always worth it," grinned Behz.
"Oh I know, I only started watching recently, but I love it!"
"That's an understatement," I laughed.
"Do you watch it Jord?" Asked Ethan.
"I've seen a few episodes, but for me it's the soundtrack, the music is incredible."

Later on, we had about three hours to kill before my family Christmas party, so the boys decided to film a Christmas video for their channels. Meah, her sister, and mum came over to help us with the preparations for the party, which was to be held at our house, so we left the boys to their recording, and wrapped pass the parcels for the younger kids in the living room, with our Christmas music playlist going as loud as we could play it, considering we didn't want to disturb the recording session. Meah, her sister Emma, and I had almost identical taste in music, including an obsession with the movie 'Tangled', so although it wasn't even a Christmas movie, all the songs ended up in our playlist by default. I giggled whilst I was working away on my parcel, watching the two sisters singing 'Mistletoe' by Justin Bieber, and pretending to kiss under the mistletoe. Then Santa Tell Me by Ariana Grande came on, and Meah squealed excitedly.
"This is my song! This is totally my jam at the moment!"
"Only coz you think it applies to you," retorted Emma.
"Hey! Do not. Em, shut up."
"You so do," I giggled, "but this is a good song."
"Ugh, I'm changing it," complained Emma. "Romance kills me."
"You say that til you meet someone," I laughed. "Leave it Em, I actually really like this."
"Jordy you'll never be a romantic," laughed Meah.
"No," I agreed, "but there's a difference between romance, and being a romantic."
"How long are the guys gonna be filming for?" Asked Meah. "Me and JJ are gonna go for a walk later." I chuckled.
"They'll be another 30mins I'd say," I smiled, knowing what this 'walk' was to entail. JJ had asked my opinion earlier today and I told him to go for it. Meah nodded, and continue to wrap her parcel, humming contentedly with the music. I smiled, and hoped, for both of their sakes, that they'd still have a strong relationship by next Christmas. For myself, however, I was fairly certain Simon was my forever. Although, up until now, we hadn't had to work too hard for our relationship. Everything else went crazy, but we were stable. I just couldn't say forever until we were past the long distance stage that was looming in the near future.

Santa tell me, if you're really there
Don't make me fall in love again
If he won't be here next year.

A/N: the definition was a Kung Fu Panda quote haha.

K thnx Bai <3

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