Chapter 38: JJ's Restaurant Plans

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White girl statements, abstract noun.
The words of a white girl, oh em gee, totally, BECKY, like, whatever...duh.

Chapter thirty eight: JJ's Restaurant Plans
We crossed the road, and JJ stopped the car briefly, allowing us both to jump in the back seats.
"Hey guys," said JJ, as he started driving again.
"Hey," we replied, in unison.
"You feeling better, man?" Simon asked, looking at Josh from the passenger seat in the front.
"I'm fine now," he smiled. "Just gotta work things out with Freya, I guess. Thanks for lending me your girl." Simon chuckled at this.
"Thanks for bringing her back!"
"Hey, I'm still here, y'know!" I laughed. "Anyway, what's the plan for tonight?"
"Jide's found this hell fancy restaurant, if you guys are interested," said Simon.
"The food is really good," added JJ. "Only drawback is we'll have to go home to get changed, so if you guys can't be bothered and just wanna get take out, that's cool too."
"Nah, let's go out, we never get to these days," said Josh.
"I second that," I nodded.

So it was settled then, that we'd go home to shower and get ready, and then go out to the restaurant JJ had found. JJ texted the squad group chat, and it turned out that Tobi, Manny, Behz, Summer and Emily were up for eating out too. Freya said she wanted to go home, and all the others were too tired, apparently. I texted Freya myself, to see if she was okay, and she said she was fine, but didn't want to talk about it. I could only hope she'd be happy to talk to Josh.

When we reached mine and the girls' house, I told the guys to come in for a bit, as we still had a good while before we needed to leave for dinner. Emily was watching season 3 of the Vampire Diaries in the living room, and she greeted us cheerfully as we joined her.
"Freya's upstairs, Josh, if you want her," she said, looking at him. "You should really go talk to her." Josh nodded wordlessly, and left the room.

Much later, when all the guys had left, Em and I went to talk to Freya ourselves. She was editing vlog footage from her fan meet up, and she seemed a lot better than she'd apparently been before.
"I just don't know what to do," she sighed. "Everything's all okay now, but that will only last until we fight again, which is almost inevitable."
"Well I guess that's something you need to work through with Josh," I said. "Anyway, I didn't think you'd miss the chance to get all dressed up, are you coming out tonight, or not?"
"Not," said Freya. "I'm tired, I need a good night's sleep. But keep an eye on Mr Lerone for me - if he..."
"Wait, which one?" I asked.
"Manny, you idiot," she laughed. "Have you been walking around with your eyes shut?"
"No, sorry! I remember now!" I joined in her laughter.
"Hey!" Protested Em. "If this is about me..."
"It is," stated Freya. "Jord, keep an eye on them! If he makes a move on Emily, I want to know about it!"
"Wow, can't a girl have room to move?" Sighed Em.
"Now you see how I felt," I giggled.
"Well," continued Frey, "Make sure you watch them like a hawk, and report back to me."
"Yes mum," I giggled, and then realised what I'd said. "Oh my gosh, Frey is our mum, Josh is the dad, this is so perfect!" They both joined in my laughter.

JJ, Simon, and Josh picked up Em and myself much later, and together, we drove to the restaurant. Simon was sitting in the front seat again, beside JJ, but he shot me a warm smile as Emily and I climbed in the back beside Josh.
"Josh don't burn yourself sitting beside that hottie," grinned Simon. I couldn't help smiling at this.
"Simon, you're beautiful, and I love you."
"Love you too!" He smiled. JJ started coughing violently.
"Sorry," he stated. "I'm choking on all the fluff." We laughed at him.
"Em, you look beautiful too, for the record," smiled Simon. Emily laughed.
"Thanks Simon, you guys all look great. Where are we going, by the way?"
"There and back to see how far it is," replied Josh.
"Jide won't tell us, in other words," explained Simon. "We're taking his word for it that it's good."
"You better be right then, JJ," I grinned.
"Oh I'm always right," he laughed.

We reached the restaurant, and Tobi, Manny, Behz, and Summer were already there waiting for us. I watched as Emily and Manny hugged in greeting, and she looked at the ground shyly, smiling as he said something to her. He kissed her forehead sweetly, and the two began to walk towards the doors of the restaurant together. I heard Ethan chuckle quietly beside me.
"Seriously, you see what we had to put up with when you and Simon weren't dating yet? They insist they're just friends, like... Whatever..." I laughed.
"That was such a white girl statement. Were we really like that?" I asked, incredulously.
"Still are," Ethan grinned.
"No wonder you guys kept going on at us," I laughed, suddenly feeling arms snake around my waist, and a chin rest on my forehead. I turned to see Simon himself. He smiled, and bent his head to kiss me. I stretched up to meet him halfway. We smiled at each other.
"Well, are we going in?" Asked JJ.
"Wait," said Ethan, frowning, "I know those people over there. Is that not Tom Syndicate?"
"Hey, yeah, it's the Mianite guys," nodded JJ. "We've not hung out in ages. I heard they were all over for Insomnia though. We should see if they wanna join us." He headed over to say hi.
"Have you met Tom before?" Asked Josh, coming to stand beside Simon and I. I shook my head.
"Nope, never, I've heard he's a great guy though."
"Hmm, I give it a few hours tops, and you guys will be good friends, you're really similar," grinned Josh.
"Yeah," nodded Simon, smiling. "That thought has actually occurred to me before! You'll get on well."


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